5 months agoClown World Order! Police Now Being Trained In How To Deal With A UFO Encounter!JoshuaGraham
6 months agoThe Viral Delusion Part 1/5: Behind The Curtain of The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 PLAN-Demic!JoshuaGraham
6 months agoThe Viral Delusion Part 3/5: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox & The Spanish Flu!JoshuaGraham
6 months agoChristine Massey: Corona, Covid-19, Mpox, Bird Flu! 'VIRUSES' Are All Fucking LIESJoshuaGraham
6 months agoPedophile Bill Gates Reveals Our Future While Telling Us 'I'm Not A Reptilian'!JoshuaGraham
5 months agoMore Planned False Psyop SCRIPTED News! 2nd Assassination HOAX On Pedophile Child Rapist Trump!JoshuaGraham
6 months agoWARNING! The NON Existing Deadly Mosquito 'Virus' With No Symptoms & 33% Death Rate!JoshuaGraham
11 months agoKim Osbøl: Att.: Jane, This is Why I Keep on Sharing Information to the People! [18.03.2024]KimOsboel
2 years agoBest debate ever Christians vs atheists- Christians winThe Truth Is Hated To Those Who Hate The Truth!
10 months agoYeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' STILL Pushing 'Viruses'!KimOsboel
6 months agoCOVAIDS 2.0: The West Nile Virus, EEE (333), Spraying of the Bugs (You), Ventilators and LockdownsJoshuaGraham