Yuval Noah Harari | "Many Religions Have Always Fantasized About Having Access to Super Human Intelligence & Suddenly We Have It. A.I. Disseminating a New Holy Text Online, Which Creates the Kernel for the Next Big Religion."
healthcare worker was mandated to take Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, 3 days later paralyzed from legs down, followed by severe convulsions and seizures, can no longer, clean, cook, drive a car, requires full-time caretaker, "i'm a prisoner in
Yuval Noah Harari | Harari (2016), "Our Species Is Going to Upgrade Itself Into a Completely Different Kind of Being. (The Revolution) It Will Also Transform Our Bodies & Our Minds & It Will Replace Homosapiens." (FULL LENGTH)
Yuval Noah Harari | "History Is Full of Accidents. How Did CHRISTIANITY Become the Most Successful Religion In the World? Why This Story of Jesus? The Roman Empire In the Third Century Was A Bit Like California Today! You Need Completely"