America First Vs. The Great Reset | "Regulation Is Stealth Taxation. Unelected Bureaucrats Have Imposed Crushing Anti-Business Regulations On Our Citizens. As President I Will Always Protect the Interests of Our Country, Our Companies"
Meat | Lab Grown Meat? | Why Did the USDA Approve the First 'Lab-Grown' Meat to Be Sold to the Public? | "Cultured-Meat Is the Only Practical Solution for the Problem of the Suffering of Domesticated Animals." - Yuval Noah Harari
Central Bank Digital Currencies | The CEO of Quant CBDCs Explains How CBDCs Will Work Including- "Now With Blockchain Technology We Have the Ability to Change Healthcare. For the First Time Can See End-To-End the Healthcare System As a Whole."
Signature Bank Collapse | Why Did Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank and Signature Bank Collapse? "Signature Bank Failed Because It Was Corrupt." - Tucker Carlson
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | "In Men Under The Age Of 40, When They Get A Pfizer Shot, The Risk Of Myocarditis Nearly Doubles After The First Shot, Doubles Again After The Second Shot, And It Goes Up To 8x The Risk Myocarditis If You get A Booster."