You are ALWAYS Destined for Peace, Love, and Happiness... So Just Endure and Complete the Karmic Lesson AND KEEP THE FAITH! An Individual's Lesson or Chosen Theme can Feel Never-Ending, So a Combination of Perseverance and FAITH is Key.
Not Only is He Speaking to the Middle Class, But He’s Speaking to the Extra-Conscious Souls That Many Feel Trump Has Traded in for Christian Conservative NPC’s. Anyway, Neither of These Men Have a Shot without the Independent Vote, and Each Other!
11/4/20 Flashback—They Told Me (WEin5D), Then I Told You: ‘You’re Not Getting Out of This Til You Feel the Devil’s Hot Breath on the Back of Your Neck!’ | Dan Bongino: ‘Trust NOT a Word from the FBI!’ Alex Jones: ‘80% of Gov. are Pedos!’