Do You Remember? One of Tim Janakos's 100 plus original songs

1 year ago

Banned Artist, Tim Janakos keeps writing his songs and playing them even if the thought police at Youtube and elsewhere keep taking them down and shadow banning them and the Zionist at kick him out of the song competition (even when he was winning many of them.)

Do You Remember? 4/4/14 (C) Tim Janakos

Do you re(Am)member, when you used to (Em7/G) hold me tight;
when you used to sleep (FM7) by my side? Well I (E7) still...
I still re(FM7)member, when we made (G9/E) love in a car,
it was your (D/FM7) daddy's car, in the middle of (E7) nowhere.

Do you re(Am)member, what you said in that (Em7/G) hotel room?
You asked me to (FM7) never leave. Did you know I (E7) heard you?
Well I'm still (FM7) listening, Can you believe I'm still (G9/E) listening.
But you're not (D/FM7) talking anymore. Where the (E7) hell have you gone?

I just wish that (Am) you would smile; or maybe (Em7/G) laugh sometimes.
I would (FM7) like to know that you're still alive, and there's (E7) still something left between us.
I don't know (FM7) why but I feel that I still (G9/E) love you.
Even when you (D/FM7) treat me like you hate me, and you want (E7) me to die.

Because I still re(Am)member, when you used to be (Em7/G) nice to me.
Well at least (FM7) sometimes you weren't so fuckin (E7) mean to me.
I just wish I had a (FM7) little of that person, I thought I (G9/E) knew before.
The girl who asked me to (D/FM7) marry her, before she asked me to (E7) divorce everything I am.

Throw out my re(Am)ligion, take away my (Em7/G) house and car,
and leave me (FM7) bumming for a ride, so you can (E7) control me.
I don't know how much (FM7) longer I can take your emptiness, and the (G9/E) anger that you throw at me.
Are you (D/FM7) trying now to kill me? Well some(E7)times I feel I'm already dead.

Are you (Am) still alive? Though we live in the (Em7/G) same house.
I never see (FM7) you at all, and you never (E7) kiss me.
What am I (FM7) waiting for, what the hell am I still (G9/E) waiting for.
Do you want me to (D/FM7) leave you? Is that really (E7) what you want?

Well I'm al(Am)ready gone; you've broken all the (Em7/G) life in me.
Now you want to take my (FM7) daughter too. What more can you (E7) take from me?
I give up, I (FM7) quit, I know you have to (G9/E) always be right.
So I guess you were (D/FM7) right when you said, I should've been with (E7) someone else.

Do you re(Am)member, when you used to (Em7/G) hold me tight;
when you used to sleep (FM7) by my side? Well I (E7) still...
I still re(Am)member

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