The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 02.29.24 | It's Your Breathe In Our Lungs, So We Pour Out Our Praise + HR 666, Yuval Noah Harari, The Dollar Collapse, Origin of the W.H.O., Etc.
SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD (A Tad Embarrassing)—President Bukele of El Salvador Warns YOU of George Soros and Satanic Rituals, TAXES and Fake Money, and Advises: FIGHT! 3rd World Country Prez. I Though You Were Supposed to Warn Them. | Alex Jones
Florida REVOKES Squatters Rights While New York Arrests Homeowner for Trying to Remove Squatters! + People Don't Starve in El Salvador.. Learn How They're Resisting The Illuminati. | Max Keizer, and Luke Rudkowski of "We Are Change".