Yuval Noah Harari | "Lenin's Only Job Before He Became Soviet Dictator Was Editor of the Newspaper Iskra. Benito Mussolini Was Editor of Avanti & Then He Was Promoted from Editor of Avanti to Dictator of Italy." - October 11th 2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Millions and Millions of Artificial Intelligence Bureaucrats Making Decisions from Whether to Give Us a Loan to Whether to Bomb Our House." - Yuval Noah Harari (October 11th 2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "As Humans Become Attached to AIs & Develop Relationships There Will Be a Huge Pressures to Recognize Them As Persons. The Legal Path to That Destination In the U.S. Is Wide Open. " - 10/11/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Philosophically There Is No Way to Prove Anyone Is a Conscious Entity. As Humans Become Attached to AIs & Develop Relationships There Will Be a Huge Pressures to Recognize Them As Persons." 10/11/2024
COVID Vaccines | Do the COVID Vaccines Change Your DNA & Humanity Itself? "With the mRNA Vaccines They Have DNA In Them. This DNA Hangs On With mRNA In That Lipid Nano Particle." - Doctor Joseph Ladapo (The Surgeon General of Florida)