CBDCs | "All Western Currencies Are Mysteriously Converging Right Now Almost As If for Preparation of the Introduction of the Digital Klaus Schwab Mark."
General Flynn Weekly Updates: Trump Versus CNN & Biden Debate, Trump’s VP Pick, + Dollar Collapse As World Returns to Gold Standard + "We Will Work to Liberate Countries from Western Hegemony.” - Russia Foreign Minister
Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro Delivers A Wakeup Call to the Western World | "They Want This President Titan (Trump) to Die Cruelly In Prison." + CBDCs Around the Corner? + What Is Joe Biden's Connection to Klaus Schwab?
Deformed papacy for a deformed church: Francis' fallible canonizations? Where is Catholic magisterium now? Shanghai lockdown and planned famine. WEF creating new digital man: homo digitalis, Sister Lucia imposter? Proclaim Christ true King!
The Western media's coverage overlooks the US's role in the 2014 coup, Eastern Ukraine's referendums, and the War in Donbas, which culminated in Russia's 2022 invasion.
The violent overthrow of Ukraine's elected government caused the Russian-speaking populations of Eastern Ukraine to vote to break apart from the newly formed western-backed government in Ukraine.