(7 of 7) Rockefeller Oil & Medicine.Homeopathy vs Allopathy. Cancer ? Trans-humanism & Sykes Picot / Balfour declaration, Oil or ?(what is health and spirit ?)
COVID-19 Shots | "According to a Brand New Peer-Reviewed Study, A Staggering 1 In 35 Recipients of the Modern Booster Shot Experienced Vaccine Associated Heart Injury. 1 In 35 People Who Took the Shot Experienced Damage to the Heart." - Epoch
BUY WITH YOUR EYES, PAY WITH YOUR GLANCE : THE MANDATORY RFID CHIP MARK OF BEAST IMPLEMENTATION IS NEAR.🕎 Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”
ONE WORLD ORDER RFID BEAST SYSTEM, (NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM): ”to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” 🕎Job 20;5-23 “When he is about to fill his belly, God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him”