Bio-Cyber Interfaces for Intrabody Molecular Communications Systems, wireless medical telemetry a healthcare worker can remotely measure biological signals and control certain processes [OPTOGENETICS] - WBAN - IoBnT
ITU: IoBNT At the center of this approach lies an emerging ICT framework, the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), envisioning the heterogeneous collaborative networks (HEALTHCARE)
ITU: IoBNT At the center of this approach lies an emerging ICT framework, the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), envisioning the heterogeneous collaborative networks (HEALTHCARE)
Yuval Noah Harari | "When A.I. Makes Better Decisions We Should Rely On the A.I. for Healthcare & Driving. It Should Be Supervised By An Institution. What Happens to Human Politics When Not a Single Human Being Understands Finances Anymore?"