GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)
Preachers Gone MAD! They're antichrists-Jesse Duplantis says JESUS has not come back cause people are not giving enough Money. Pathetic pimps lead masses to a dark jesus/Protect home reject this spell
After Destroying countless lives. Street Preachers Warn & Rebuke antichrist preacher Mike Murdock to Repent. But he only hardens his heart. Great majority of these pimps will perish (mirrored)
VIDEO 214 HIGH RES B -UPDATE 13/14/15/16 trump trumps 1616 134005102024 8/9/10/11 /12@121405102024 1-11 0955/1019 WORRY ABOUT IT LATER STUPIDITY OF DONALD TRUMP 0917/2305102024 SKRUBBER FOREIGN MINISTER PLAYS SNAP WITH JAISHANK
Psalm 21 - Holy Bible { God's Blessings & Protection } God's word with music, narration and beautiful landscapes. Power of God’s Protection Through Prayer