3 years agoTexas Gun Vault Poll of the Week #59 - What type of stock do you prefer on modern sporting rifles?Texas Gun Vault
2 years agoTexas Gun Vault Poll of the Week #64 - What rifle sighting system do you prefer for home defense?Texas Gun Vault
3 years agoTGV2 Change my Mind: The AR-15 forward assist serves a purpose (Spoiler: I used it and it worked)Texas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoUpcoming Texas Gun Vault Reviews - Cool older firearms - Glock 22 Gen 2 & Russian made SKSTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTexas Gun Vault Poll of the Week #81 - Do you scale down your EDC loadout in the summer months?Texas Gun Vault
2 years agoTGV2 Garage Ramblings: I finally bought a SafariLand Holster for my Glock 19 Gen. 5 MOSTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTGV2: Upcoming Content (Noveske, Q, CZ & Langdon Tactical) and hard to find Colt M4A1 marked lowerTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTGV2 Garage Ramblings: I am becoming more disillusioned and disappointed with BrownellsTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTexas Gun Vault Poll of the Week #67 - How much are impacted by the new ATF rule on 80% receivers?Texas Gun Vault
2 years agoTGV2 Garage Ramblings: Thoughts on Biden's "9mm" comment and some thoughts on the events in UvaldeTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTGV2: Upcoming Content (6/3/22) More B&T's, Another Staccato 2011, Sig P320 Comp & a TCR22 Rifle.Texas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTGV2: Behind-the-Scenes - What YouTube will monetize and what it won't makes no sense!Texas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTexas Gun Vault 2: Q&A #3 - How often I clean mags, what do I think of Obi-Wan & interesting momentsTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTGV2 Garage Ramblings: My thoughts on the SCOTUS decision in NYSPRA, v. BruenTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoTexas Gun Vault: I am not be the biggest or most famous channel, but I have the coolest subscribers!Texas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoChannel Update: Live Stream tonight on the main channel & YouTube is going after firearms channelsTexas Gun Vault 2
3 years agoUpcoming Content on the Texas Gun Vault: B&T, Blackout Defense, CCMG and RugerTexas Gun Vault 2