MUST WATCH Epic Trump rally, Trump mentions we are headed for WW3 under Bidden, trans agenda in school, critical race theory, Border crisis, Rigged election, Fake news, Political persecution, Gas price, Green new deal and much more. He goes after the Bide
CBDCs | "You (Joe Biden) Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Members Here At the Annual (World Economic Forum) Meeting." - Klaus Schwab (2016 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
WHO | "Negotiating Body Accepted a Draft of That Would Give the World Health Organization Broad New Powers. The Biden Administration Is Considering Joining This New Convention By Executive Agreement & Avoiding the Senate." - Sen. Johnson
Josh Yoder | "Since I've Been On This Stage, There's Been More Death And Destruction. There's Been Paralysis. This Is Why We're Suing The Biden Administration"
W.H.O. | "The Negotiating Body Accepted a Draft of That Would Give the World Health Organization Broad New Powers. The Biden Administration Is Considering Joining This New Convention By Executive Agreement & Avoiding the Senate." - Sen. Ron
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Countries Exploring the Use of Central Bank Digital Currencies Can Now Access A Virtual Guide by the International Monetary Fund." + "Over 110 Of Our Members Are At Some Stage of Engagement (With CBDCs) -