#330 MARICOPA COUNTY REJECTED 130,000 Early Ballots 11/6 & 11/7 BUT CERTIFIED ONLY 8,559 Were For ENTIRE Election. Where Are MISSING Ballots? Why Are RNC, AZGOP, Kari Lake, Harmeet Dhillon, Jen Wright Silent? Results ILLEGIT…TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE!
442: ARIZONA BREAKING NEWS: Proof Your Sacred Right To Vote Was STOLEN By County Election Officials - DISENFRANCHISEMENT, MALFEASANCE, MISCONDUCT & INTENT - Michele Swinick & Brannon Howse
Our Elections Are 100% FRAUDULENT! Here’s How Our Election System Operation Works NATIONWIDE. We The People DO NOT Participate In It. The RESULTS Have Already Been Decided…There’s Only 1 Way To Take America Back!