1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play What Remains of Edith Finch - REEmastered KingDDDuke Ver. - TiHYDP #22KingDDDuke
9 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Another Crab's Treasure - Death & Fall out Ed. - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 212KingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Need for Speed Rivals (Fixed Audio) - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke - 39KingDDDuke
2 months agoTIHYDP The Expendables 2 - Death & Error Edition - This is How You DON'T Play KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Gears of War 3 Hoard Mode Online Co-op - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #65KingDDDuke
3 months agoThis is How You DON'T Play Super Punch-Out!! - Knock Out Ed - KingDDDuke TiHYDPKingDDDuke
1 year ago(2) This is How You Don't Play Hades Part 2 (Escapes 2-10) - Volumes VIII-XVII - KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
7 days agoThis is How You DON'T Play Dark Souls (2019) The Magic Run - The 3rd Run - Death Ed. - TiHYDP # 306KingDDDuke
1 year agoDeleted & Alternate Scenes For This is How You DON'T Play Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Setup a PS4 + This is How You DON'T Play The PlayRoom - KingDDDuke - #TiHYDS 3KingDDDuke
1 year agoDSP Tries It with John Rambo - Killzone Shadowfall Online Multiplayer - KingDDDuke #DSPTriesIt #53KingDDDuke
1 year agoDSP Tries It with John Rambo - Battlefield 4 Online Multiplayer - KingDDDuke - #DSPTriesIt #52KingDDDuke
1 month agoTiHYDP Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - Abridged Death Only Ed - This is How You DON'T Play KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
12 days agoThis is How You DON'T Play Thunderforce 3 #SegaGenesisMini Death Ed. KingDDDuke - #TiHYDP #DSPSearchKingDDDuke
1 year agoThis is How You DON'T Play Gears of War 3 Beast Mode Co-op - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 63KingDDDuke
1 year agoAlmighty Tevin Figures Out That DSP Shot Tee Carter While Reacting to Phil Reacting 2 John & HowardKingDDDuke
7 months agoTiHYDP Binary Domain Online Multiplayer - Death Edition - This is How You DON'T Play KingDDDukeKingDDDuke
6 months agoThis is How You DON'T React to Joon the King's DSP Documentary - Raw Phil Pause Count Ed. KingDDDukeKingDDDuke