DSP Tries it with John Rambo: Killer Instinct Dojo - Presented by KingDDDuke - #DSPTriesIt #55

1 year ago

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Hey everyone, Here's my DSP Tries It with John Rambo: Killer Instinct. In this video Phil plays Killer Instinct on his brand new Xbox One for day one views, but doesn't want to play online, so he just plays the dojo which is just the tutorial, something Phil would never do today. So I covered pts1-3 but I just discovered there's a pt4-6 in a separate playlist than the Xbox One Launch Day Co-op playlist which aren't included here, but it doesn't have John Rambo, so It's probably super boring. If you want to see a part 2 to this DSP plays Killer Instinct Dojo, leave a comment below requesting it and I might look into it on a later date.
Thank you for watching!
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TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Newest to Oldest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYOJ6hLnu0INIh0LNftEjpIG

TiHYDP by KingDDDuke Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYOVQMu1NmD-iDbUkE1oZsgg

TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Oldest to Newest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYMlvJAs7FkPnCqalDZTwitf

#ThisIsHowYouDONTPlay #TiHYDP #dspgaming


End song
Blinx the Time Sweeper Music Deja Vu Canals


KingDDDuke Intro jingle
Psychonauts 2 playthrough pt1 - 00;00-00;03

Xbox One Launch: Exploring the Games Store/Initial Purchases

Xbox One Launch: First Game Install Test (Ryse)

Xbox One Launch: Killer Instinct 1st Gameplay!

Killer Instinct Dojo Trials pt 1-3

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Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbeRBj23hNmcgeCVmWWO9Q
Bitchute Channel - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AFa5URQnjKVY/
Odysee Channel - https://odysee.com/@KingDDDuke:e
DailyMotion Channel - https://www.dailymotion.com/KingDDDuke
Tumblr - https://kingddduke.tumblr.com

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