Sean Strickland | "People Like You Have F#$%-Ing Weaseled Your Way Into the World. You Are An Infection. You Are the Definition of Weakness. Everything That Is Wrong With the World Is Because of F#$%-Ing You." - MMA Fighter Sean Strickland
Airpods | What Is the Purpose of Airpods? | "Newest Way to Monitor Attention Is Through a Device Like This (Ear Pods). You Can Discriminate Between Kinds of Things They Are Paying Attention To." - Farahany (World Economic Forum)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Central Bank Digital Currencies | How Will They Work? Catherine Austin Fitt Explains the Mechanics of How Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Work + How Satellites, the SMART Grid & Hyperinflation Pave Way for CBDCs
Elon Musk | "We Could Effectively Merge With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk | Could We Download Our Human Capacity Into An Optimus? "Yes." Which Would Be A Different Way of Eternal Life? "Yes."