Maui Fires | A DEEP DIVE: Discover 47 FACTS About the Maui Fires w/ Dr. Stella Including: The Police Chief? What's JUMPSmartMaui Project? What's Biden's Inflation Reduction Act About? Why Did Maui Not Allow Water to Combat the Fire?
Yuval Noah Harari | "In My Country, Israel Is Building Such a Total Surveillance Regime. China Is Doing It. Russia Is Doing it. Iran Is Doing It. They Don't Have Police Officers They Have Cameras & AI. The AI Decides the Punishment."
Larry Ellison | "The Police Will Be On Their Best Behavior Because We Are Constantly Recording Everything. Citizens Will Be On Their Best Behavior Because We Are Constantly Recording & Reporting What's Going On."
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is Just the Beginning. You Can Follow Everybody All the Time & Analyze the Oceans of Data In Order to Police a Population. AI Is Not a Tool, It Is An Agent. Millions of Agents." - 9/27/2024