THE PHYSICAL COUNTERPART-DEVIL ON EARTH: THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high” NASA’S SPACE EXPLORATION…..EZEKIEL 28TH & ISAIAH 14TH CHAPTER IS SPEAKING ABOUT (ESAU EDOM,AMALEK)!
IN THE BEGINNING ADAM WERE NOT THE FIRST PEOPLE CREATED BUT WERE CHOSEN & THE ANGELS WERE CREATED BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH….ESAU EDOM A FUGITIVE & VAGABOND IN THE EARTH!!!🕎Obadiah 1:9-18 “Esau EDOM thou shalt be cut off forever”
CHRISTIAN EDOMITE “MISSIONARY”, MATTHEW LANE DURHAM MOLESTED BLACK CHILDREN, SENTENCED FOR RAPING ORPHANS.….THE SERPENT & SONS OF THE WICKED!!!(CAIN, ESAU EDOM, AMALEK) 🕎Genesis 4:2-16 “Cain & to his offering he had not respect”