Jesus will leave all lukewarm church people left behind!

2 years ago

Jesus is not playing any games at all and has never played games!! He is not in a box or a baby but the Lion of Judah and very angry!! Cain gave the Most High a terrible sacrifice and God said Cain I know your heart and your hatred of your brother is getting you do not give Satan a doorway Cain! Cain then and killed his brother and God said Cain where is your brother Abel? And Cain replied am I my brother keeper? And the Lord said Cain what have you done you killed your brother Abel his blood is crying from the ground since you have done this I curse you Cain you will walk the earth and nothing shall grow for you at all and nothing will produce for you! Same now churches are all dead and give God rotten fish and He hates it! Jesus sat with the outcasts rejected by the religious in Israel and the angels went to the shepherd not the kings, Jesus chose outcasts to follow Him not religious leaders, same now, Jesus is sitting outside the churches with the outcasts and rejects the church crowd that acts so righteous and judge everyone they see like the pharisees did!! Heaven is My throne and the earth is my footstool says the Lord! The most High doesn't live in houses built by men!! Ezekiel tell me what you see! I see women weeping for Tammuz, making hot cross buns for the queen of heaven, rising up at sunrise to face the east and welcome the queen of heaven and the Lord said these people have rejected Me the Lord and worship idols and I will put them away and cut them off ! Zedikiah here what the Lord says since you have not repented from your wickedness or given up your idol's I will destroy your kingdom and your son's will die and you will never see the sun ever again! I will have Babylon kill your people and take prisoners of war to punish you oh Israel for rejecting Me and refusing to repent from your idol's of Ishtar! Baal! Ashtoreth! Molech! Same now so called Christians are worshipping the same pagan idols of Ishtar, Molech, Tammuz, Baal and do not care that it is pagan they want to do it anyway and say but Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday! I am sorry you hate Easter and Jesus! The early church kept Passover and all of them suffered persercution! The early Christians in Rome were killed by Nero! The Catholic Church killed anyone they wanted that refused to be Catholic! Churches forced people in India, China and other countries to accept their religion or else, native Americans were killed, taken as slaves and forced to accept the religion people brought or else, the puritan's killed anyone they thought was a witch and killed so many innocent women in Salem village, Jesus hates religion and never said to build churches, give money to a pastor, go every Sunday, Wednesday, keep Ishtar, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, lent, mother and father day, good Friday, Jesus said follow Me and leave behind your family, friends and pick up your cross and follow Me whoever doesn't pick up their cross can not follow Me! Those left behind will get a rude wake up call and God will do this to wake you all up and say serve Me or the antichrist!! There will be great persercution in the tribulation period of those who refuse to worship the antichrist and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, he and his demonic followers will go after everyone they see as a threat and kill them!! So you better decide who you will follow or you will take that cursed vaccine mark of the beast and that is it for you, churches will all be gone in the tribulation period! You will be hiding, starving, scared, not trusting anyone because they will kill you and laugh about it! You must do works in the tribulation period because the church age and age of grace is over and you are back in the Kingdom Gospel now and the law is back in force! Then the antichrist gave power to the beast and it killed anyone who did not worship the antichrist or the beast or got his image and he forced great, rich, small, free and bond to get a mark on their right hand or forehead and no one may buy or sell without that mark let wisdom know the name of the mark for it is 666! Then I saw the souls of those beheaded for not worshipping the antichrist or getting his mark and they were given white robes and told to wait, then I saw the New jersalem and nothing impure shall enter it's gates or does anything shameful or decietful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb book of life shall enter, are you for Jesus or the antichrist!!

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