1. Takari916 states that he invested over$500K in AMC and never got any APE shares He is not alone

    Takari916 states that he invested over$500K in AMC and never got any APE shares He is not alone

  2. UK woman joins latest NFT craze and pays £18k for digital image of bored ape

    UK woman joins latest NFT craze and pays £18k for digital image of bored ape

  3. Are international investors going to be screwed in the AMC APE reverse split? History says Yes

    Are international investors going to be screwed in the AMC APE reverse split? History says Yes

  4. Shills paid to have selective memory they claim AMC APE shares were free APE diluted value of AMC

    Shills paid to have selective memory they claim AMC APE shares were free APE diluted value of AMC

  5. Antara sells 48 Million APE on 3/15 Why would they do that? Are they privy to insider information?

    Antara sells 48 Million APE on 3/15 Why would they do that? Are they privy to insider information?

  6. Adam Aron main objective is not to pay off AMC debt he could have paid off AMC debt with APE in 8/22

    Adam Aron main objective is not to pay off AMC debt he could have paid off AMC debt with APE in 8/22

  7. AMC sold 40M AMC shares for $11.21 This conforms Adam Aron will not be adding value of APE to AMC

    AMC sold 40M AMC shares for $11.21 This conforms Adam Aron will not be adding value of APE to AMC

  8. All the signs point to AMC making a move next week and APE will probably follow

    All the signs point to AMC making a move next week and APE will probably follow

  9. Are the Hedgies using APE as false locates for AMC? Is this why AMC cost to borrow is dropping?

    Are the Hedgies using APE as false locates for AMC? Is this why AMC cost to borrow is dropping?

  10. APE was created to make Hedgies majority holders of AMC not retail investors AA is a 1% not a 99%

    APE was created to make Hedgies majority holders of AMC not retail investors AA is a 1% not a 99%

  11. APE buy button removed on Europe Revolut platform You can only sell APE

    APE buy button removed on Europe Revolut platform You can only sell APE

  12. APE only trading 8 days already on threshold list Criminal behavior?

    APE only trading 8 days already on threshold list Criminal behavior?

  13. CNBC Interviews Trey's Trades | From Meme Stocks to Ape Stocks 2

    CNBC Interviews Trey's Trades | From Meme Stocks to Ape Stocks 2

  14. A Message to ALL the APES - MartianXTG - Hands Made of Diamonds Ft. Skylar May

    A Message to ALL the APES - MartianXTG - Hands Made of Diamonds Ft. Skylar May

  15. My questions to AA If APE was to raise money Why did you sell at .66 cents instead of $10?

    My questions to AA If APE was to raise money Why did you sell at .66 cents instead of $10?

  16. it's $GNS $WE $APE's Run this ish $AMRS #trading Come hangout if you wanna know why $amc is down

    it's $GNS $WE $APE's Run this ish $AMRS #trading Come hangout if you wanna know why $amc is down


