1. Abraham, Jakobs Himmelsleiter & Joseph... Geschichten des Volkes Israel ❤️ 3. Testament Kapitel 9-2

    Abraham, Jakobs Himmelsleiter & Joseph... Geschichten des Volkes Israel ❤️ 3. Testament Kapitel 9-2

  2. Jesus elucidates... My Mission and the Mission of My Apostles ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 13

    Jesus elucidates... My Mission and the Mission of My Apostles ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 13

  3. Admonitions & Assignments for the People of God ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 5 / 366

    Admonitions & Assignments for the People of God ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 5 / 366

  4. The Cries of Woe and Metamorphosis of Men... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 57-2

    The Cries of Woe and Metamorphosis of Men... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 57-2

  5. Spiritual Struggles for Supremacy... Ideologies, Religions and Churches ❤️ Third Testament Chapter 54-1

    Spiritual Struggles for Supremacy... Ideologies, Religions and Churches ❤️ Third Testament Chapter 54-1

  6. Song of Praise and Harmony of Creation... Christ's Kingdom of Peace and Consummation ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 58-2

    Song of Praise and Harmony of Creation... Christ's Kingdom of Peace and Consummation ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 58-2

  7. Transformations and Revolutions in all Areas of Life ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 57-3

    Transformations and Revolutions in all Areas of Life ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 57-3

  8. Die Macht der Gedanken, Gefühle und des Willens... Jesus Christus erklärt ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 35

    Die Macht der Gedanken, Gefühle und des Willens... Jesus Christus erklärt ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 35

  9. Jesus explains the Beyond... Necessary Knowledge about Heaven and Hell ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 27-1

    Jesus explains the Beyond... Necessary Knowledge about Heaven and Hell ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 27-1

  10. Ich wollte für euch Frieden, doch ihr habt den Schmerz gesucht ❤️ Das Buch des wahren Lebens Unterweisung 42 / 366

    Ich wollte für euch Frieden, doch ihr habt den Schmerz gesucht ❤️ Das Buch des wahren Lebens Unterweisung 42 / 366

  11. The Forces of Good and Evil and their Origin... Arrogance and Humility ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 40-1

    The Forces of Good and Evil and their Origin... Arrogance and Humility ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 40-1

  12. Rhema 25.10.2023 ❤️ Auseinandersetzungen über das neue Wort Gottes... Das Buch des Lebens

    Rhema 25.10.2023 ❤️ Auseinandersetzungen über das neue Wort Gottes... Das Buch des Lebens

  13. The Master teaches... Jesus as the perfect Example ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 3 / 366

    The Master teaches... Jesus as the perfect Example ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 3 / 366

  14. Second Coming of Christ in the Cloud & Spirit of Truth ❤️ Book of the true Life Teaching 13 / 366

    Second Coming of Christ in the Cloud & Spirit of Truth ❤️ Book of the true Life Teaching 13 / 366

  15. Die Essenz Meines Wortes ist unwandelbar ❤️ Göttliche Kundgaben... 3. Testament Kapitel 4-3

    Die Essenz Meines Wortes ist unwandelbar ❤️ Göttliche Kundgaben... 3. Testament Kapitel 4-3

  16. Soyez Positif Ou Soyez Silencieux Livre Audio

    Soyez Positif Ou Soyez Silencieux Livre Audio

  17. Le Premier Livre des Corinthiens, Sainte Bible de David Martin 1744 Illustré avec l'IA (V1)

    Le Premier Livre des Corinthiens, Sainte Bible de David Martin 1744 Illustré avec l'IA (V1)

  18. UKRAINE : L'EUROPE AU SERVICE DES USA ? Jean Bricmont répond ! | Vincent Lapierre [Flokossama]

    UKRAINE : L'EUROPE AU SERVICE DES USA ? Jean Bricmont répond ! | Vincent Lapierre [Flokossama]
