2 years agoEl Morya: The Divine Energy of the Abundant Life Is Available Now!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMother Mary Assuages Our Concerns and Worries through the Comfort of Her Immaculate HeartThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
4 years agoArchangel Michael Comes with an Epic Planetary Purge and Reminds Us that We Are AngelsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMeta: Use Divine Imaginative Vision to Architect Your Perfect Co-creative WorkThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoThe Importance of the Developmental Stages of the Child Vis-à-vis the Spiritual Life of the AdultThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoDavid Announces His Meru Class "The Wisdom Within the Agni Yoga Teachings"The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoSanctify Time through Virtue Divine and Hallow Space through Purity's GraceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoZadkiel and Amethyst Bathe Mount Shasta and the Earth in Sacred FireThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoManjushri: Discipleship and the Absorption Process-Become Divine Understanding & Convey Your WisdomThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 months agoNevada City, CA - What It Means to Be an Aquarian EsseneThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoDarshan with the Holy Spirit and the Maha Chohan for Spanish-speaking Heartfriends (Bilingüe)The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 months agoDiscourse on Energizing Your Songs and Prayers with Your Heart’s FireThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 months agoPersiel and Delfina: We Come to Quicken and Anoint Initiates of LightThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoHearts Center Productions as Offerings from Our Hearts to YoursThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified