Dedollarization | BREAKING!!! "The BRICS Group Is Set to Introduce a New Currency Backed By Gold In Contrast to the Credit Backed U.S. Dollar With Countries Lining Up to Join the Growing Initiative." - July 3rd 2023
Robert Kiyosaki | FULL SPEECH | Kiyosaki Joins Eric Trump At Clay Clark's Business Workshop + Cashflow Quadrant 101, Why He Buys Gold, How to Escape the Rat Race, the Mindset You Need to Succeed & More
Lou Ferrigno | "The Incredible Hulk" Joins Clay Clark In Studio to Drop Life-Changing Knowledge Bombs About: Starting Weightlifting At Age 13, Winning Mr. Universe, Becoming the Incredible Hulk, the Mindset of Champions
CBDCs | "There Is Growing Momentum Towards Central Bank Digital Currencies with Over 100 Countries Exploring a CBDCs, Representing Over 95% of the Global Gross Domestic Product." - SWIFT