1. 07 09 21 So-called "journalists" of today are garbage and some weasels of the podcast world suck.

    07 09 21 So-called "journalists" of today are garbage and some weasels of the podcast world suck.

  2. 07 11 21 Covid etiquette stupidity minding your own business & enough with the word salad stupidity.

    07 11 21 Covid etiquette stupidity minding your own business & enough with the word salad stupidity.

  3. Montana National guard uses WW2 German soldiers in Recruitment ad-#447

    Montana National guard uses WW2 German soldiers in Recruitment ad-#447

  4. The 1s fight the 99's pay. Elites are crushing the working class like no other time in history.

    The 1s fight the 99's pay. Elites are crushing the working class like no other time in history.
