FBI Seize Diddy ‘Blackmail Tapes’ Featuring Kamala Harris and J.Lo/Obama Judge Rules that SoS Adrien Fontes Must Turn Over Records of 1.2 Million “Inactive” Voters on State Voter Rolls — But Not Until December 2/Biden Says Trump & His Suppor
Seattle mom arrested for murder after fatal beating of teen son over chores/FDA approves opioid-free pain medication with 'no sign of addiction'/Calm Before the Storm: Will John Brennan Be First Criminal Deep Stater Arrested?Plane collides with
Canadian Family Seek Asylum in U.S. After Trudeau Regime Threatens to Euthanize Disabled Son/President Trump Announces DEAL FOR HOSTAGES IN THE MIDDLE EAST /Russia’s FM Says Biden Is Trying To Spoil Everything Before Trump Arrives
Erdogan’s Son Calls For Turkey To Takeover Jerusalem/Farage’s Reform Party is Now Larger Than the Centuries-Old UK Conservatives/Three Shot, One Stabbed on Christmas Day at Phoenix Airport/Trump Will "Un-California" US Energy Policy On Day O