Meat | What Is Inside the Synthetic Meat Being Pushed By Bill Gates, Yuval Noah Harari, John Kerry & Others? THIS SHOW WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!! What Is In Synthetic / Clean Meat?
San Francisco | Why Did the Communist President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping Motorcade Through San Francisco, CA w/ No American Flags In Sight? Why Did California Governor Newsom Clean Up San Francisco? Wake Up! The Shift Is Happening
China | Epoch Times Update: Why Is China Involved In a "Strategic Partnership" w/ Palestine? | Why Did San Fran Clean Up for Xi Jinjing? Why Did Apple's Cook, Black Rock's Larry Fink & Elon Musk Take Photos w/ China's Xi?
Dr Zelenko Tribute | "So Let The Calling Begin. The World Needs A Cleaning, And When The Process Is Done, The World Will Be Filled With The Knowledge Of God." Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Judy Mikovits | “We’re Not Going To Sell It As A Drug We Are Going To Grow It, We’re Going To Grow It Clean And Use It To Heal.” - Dr. Judy Mikovits
Springfield, Ohio, USA. A major train derailment has occurred in Springfield, OH near the Clark County Fairgrounds. A Large Hazmat and emergency responder presence is on scene.