6 months ago第8期 手工:家务元素(三)按压瓶;Issue 8: copper wire crafting: soap dispenser||聊天:竞技体育是如何给大众洗脑的?Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 month ago第28期 用金属丝做珠子 Issue 28 making beads with copper wires DIY handmade copper wire pendant 中国人爱吐痰的另一个原因Crafting with 2 Doctors
4 months ago第16期 手工:南瓜吊坠;Issue 16: copper wire crafting: pumpking pendant||聊天:越美丽越安全。Crafting with 2 Doctors
7 months ago第5期 手工:家务元素(一)衣架;Issue 5: copper wire crafting: Housework Elements Ⅰ (Cloths hanger)||聊天:有子女就能让养老院护工怕你? 太天真啦!Crafting with 2 Doctors
5 months ago第10期 手工:家务元素(五)闭口剪刀;Issue 10: copper wire crafting: scissors with closed blades||聊天:中国乱世中女孩婚恋的三大重要原则Crafting with 2 Doctors
5 months ago第11期 手工:家务元素(六)螺旋打蛋器;Issue 11: copper wire crafting: spiral whisk||聊天:是剩女太挑剔还是男人太鸡贼?Crafting with 2 Doctors
12 days agoFirework Lights 10 IN 1 Starburst Lights Waterproof Copper Wire Fireworks Light ReviewAE Wizard Review
5 months ago第12期 手工:家务元素(七)球形打蛋器;Issue 12: copper wire crafting: ball whisk||聊天:二十出头的女生真有超大的魅力?Crafting with 2 Doctors
11 months ago16 pounds of copper from wire. Long time stripping... lots of stripping.College Tech Lounge
23 days ago第32期 字母love戒指 Issue 32 the ring with the word love DIY handmade copper wire crafting 李文亮的真实死因Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 month ago第31期 爱心戒指 Issue 31 the ring with two hearts DIY handmade copper wire crafting 过敏源测试Crafting with 2 Doctors
5 months ago第13期 手工:家务元素(八)烤架;Issue 13: copper wire crafting: grill grate||聊天:家长需要鼓励孩子早恋。Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 year agoMetal Melting Madness: Lead-Coated Copper Wire Melt #devilforge #lead #melting #belgiumSJWCASTINGs
1 month ago第30期 如意 Issue 30 Chinese Ruyi DIY handmade copper wire crafting 李宜雪真的是一个精神病患者Crafting with 2 Doctors
2 months ago第26期 小鹿 Issue 26 little deer DIY handmade copper wire pendant 向绝症病人隐瞒病情是很缺德的行为Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 year agoElectroculture experiment expands with twisted copper wire spiral supports! #electroculture #gardenVerity House Inspired
3 months ago第20期 共和党大象;Issue 20: copper wire crafting: Republican Elephant||出国是为了逃难Crafting with 2 Doctors
1 month ago第27期 茄子 Issue 27 eggplant DIY handmade copper wire pendant 中国大学实验室侵害学生利益Crafting with 2 Doctors
7 months agoCreate a Free Energy Generator Using New Technology with Copper Wire and Magnet SpeakerHACK LIFE