3 years agoushavtem mayim! Jewish worship music with English subtitles! Waters of Salvation! Take the free giftDiakanos
2 years agoCollect Reflection for Proper 14: Make us Love | #anglican #commonprayer #collectofthedayFrJeremiahC
2 years agoBe not Anxious: Collect Reflection for Proper 26 | #anglican #commonprayer #bookofcommonprayerFrJeremiahC
2 years agoPaschal Mystery and New Covenant: Collect Reflection for Second #Easter| #anglican #prayerFrJeremiahC
1 year agoBigger Feast Than Christmas?? Is Ascension Thursday A Holy Day of Obligation?Catholic Conversations
4 years agoThe Aleinu, It is our duty to Praise the Master of all. A spoken teaching with singing at the end.Diakanos
3 years agoTree of Life! Hebrew worship music with English subtitles and transliteration! Jewish worship music!Diakanos