1. Funniest Auditions On American Idol | V.2

    Funniest Auditions On American Idol | V.2

  2. Reza Diako sends his love and thank you to the Chosen fans as the filming for Season Four ends

    Reza Diako sends his love and thank you to the Chosen fans as the filming for Season Four ends

  3. Paras Patel aka Matthew from the Chosen-Follow Jesus like Matthew did- let go of everything for Him

    Paras Patel aka Matthew from the Chosen-Follow Jesus like Matthew did- let go of everything for Him

  4. Feeding of the Five Thousand The Chosen- One year since the Chosen has shot this amazing scene

    Feeding of the Five Thousand The Chosen- One year since the Chosen has shot this amazing scene

  5. The chosen: Would jesus miss a word or 2?

    The chosen: Would jesus miss a word or 2?

  6. A quick look into The Chosen Season Four- behind the scenes

    A quick look into The Chosen Season Four- behind the scenes

  7. Did Thomas have a love interest in the bible or just the chosen?

    Did Thomas have a love interest in the bible or just the chosen?

  8. Is this in scripture or just in the chosen?

    Is this in scripture or just in the chosen?

  9. Veronica starts a new life-emotional moment in The Chosen Season Three

    Veronica starts a new life-emotional moment in The Chosen Season Three

  10. Interesting choice of words, The chosen...

    Interesting choice of words, The chosen...

  11. The most important person to Jesus in the chosen

    The most important person to Jesus in the chosen

  12. Jesus heals the son of the centurion OUR GAIUS -super touching moment from the Chosen Season Four

    Jesus heals the son of the centurion OUR GAIUS -super touching moment from the Chosen Season Four

  13. You won't believe what Simon Peter says in the chosen...

    You won't believe what Simon Peter says in the chosen...

  14. Hailey Bieber Planned Parenthood, The Chosen Season 4 & More | P&M After Dark (Ep 3)

    Hailey Bieber Planned Parenthood, The Chosen Season 4 & More | P&M After Dark (Ep 3)

  15. The Chosen | Fellowship Church | Arm & Chest workouts | Fitness | Corgis

    The Chosen | Fellowship Church | Arm & Chest workouts | Fitness | Corgis

  16. The chosen: an attempt to change prophesy

    The chosen: an attempt to change prophesy
