What if 2020 was a Full Season? | Super Mega Baseball 3

2 years ago

MLB's 2020 season was postponed and reduced to 60 games for obvious reasons. This video is simply running 3 simulations on Super Mega Baseball 3 to see what may have happened if 2020 had a full 162 game season. Don't take these results seriously.

*Due to how playoff formats can be chosen, I decided that every series would be a best-of-seven, with 16 teams to reflect the expanded playoffs seen in 2020.

*Due to how the rosters are organized in this game, there are only 4 starters, meaning volume stats (innings, strikeouts, etc.) are inflated compared to real life.

0:00 - Simulation #1
5:23 - Simulation #2
8:39 - Simulation #3

Team Transfer Tool:

2020 MLB Teams:

Odysee - https://odysee.com/@MJV:8
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyiEMkCwDkzpKbLZCVMn3Hg
Gab - https://gab.com/MJV26

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