Ian Smith | New Jersey Gym Owner Gets Destroyed In Embarrassing 3 On 1 Arm Wrestling Defeat to David Whited, Seth Keshel and Clay Clark (Next Up...Klaus Schwab)!!!
CBDCs | Are Governments Laying the Foundation for a New Monetary System? What Role Will Ripple (XRP), & Quant.Network Play? "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + "There Is Going to Be a New World Order.&quo
Elon Musk | "We Might Be Headed to a Bimodal Human Intelligence Distribution, More Like Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. A Small Group of Very Smart Humans, But Average Intelligence Drifts Lower Over Time." - 2/12/2025
The Bible | Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About Religions of the Book, Judaism, Christianity, Islam They Get Authority to a Text. Now You Have Technologies for the Text to Speak to You." "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
REVERSE DAVOS | Doctor Stella Immanuel | The Revelation Conversation!!! Are We Witnessing the Opening of the Six Seals Referenced In the Book of Revelation?
One World Government | Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | "What's Why Brazil Has Been Investing In the New Global Governance." + "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System
Prophecies | Is Humankind Beginning to Fulfill the Prophecies Found Within 2nd Timothy 3-1-5? | Are the Prophecies Found Within Revelation 13- 16-18 Being Fulfilled With the MIT CBDCs, the MIT Quantum Dot, Quant.Network & the New BRICS Currency?
Vice President JD Vance | "At This Moment We Face the Extraordinary Prospect of a New Industrial Revolution, One On Par With the Invention of the Steam Engine or Bessemer Steel." + What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Creating a New Type of Highly Intelligent Agent. Not Just One Agent, But Billions of Agents Which Will Increasingly Make Key Decisions. You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. It's An AI Deciding." 10/28/24