Revelation: How One-World Government Undermines Freedom, Competition, Merit & God | Ep 499

1 year ago

BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, Comcast. All these are examples of the ever-growing power and control a few companies have over the majority of the world’s population. This week’s headlines sparked a revelation for Jason. It’s just a few small steps from Wayne Brady to the new world order. Join “Fearless” as we continue to connect the dots and dive into the deep end of how the demise of competition, the alphabet mafia’s agenda, and the emasculation of society are leading us down the path of the one-world government. We can’t have a discussion about the matrix without our “Morpheus,” Royce White. In Tennessee Harmony, we take a biblical view of the dangers of globalism. Anthony and Virgil Walker lead the conservation and share their thoughts on scripture as a tool to combat the “god of the age.”

#jasonwhitlock #fearless #blazetv #newworldorder #nwo #oneworld #oneworldgovernment #worldeconomicforum #wef #conspiracy #revelation #revelations #bible #bookofrevelation #escatologia #alexjones #alexjoneswasright #roycewhite #blackrock #statestreet #oil #oilmoney #saudiarabia #saudiprince #trans #lgbtq #illumanti #waynebrady #cult #sexcult #hollywood #podcast

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00:00 Intro

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