Elon Musk | "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans, We May Give A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Meaning? We Are What Gives the A.I. Meaning or Purpose. If the Computer Can Do Everything Better, Does Your Life Have Meaning?" 5/23/24
Elon Musk | "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon. You Know Those Stories Where There Is a Guy With a Pentagram & the Holy Water Saying He Can Control the Demon? It Doesn't Work Out." - Elon Musk (2014)
Donald J. Trump And The Rapture + Does Trump Name Have a Biblical Meaning? 1st Thess 4: 13-18 + 1st Cor 15:52 + "Two Main Passages About the Rapture In the Bible & Both Say Trump. Could This Be Donald Trump?
Transhumanism | "Ultimately, We Can Achieve a Sort of Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk (7/1719) + "We Could Download the Things We Believe Make Ourselves Unique. If You're Not In a Body Anymore..." - Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Met My Husband Online In 2002 In One of the First Social Media Sites for the Gay Community. I Grew Up In Israel In the 1980s, 1990s." + "Nothing Can't Exist Agains the Laws of Nature." - Yuval Noah Harari
Glenn Beck | With 2024 Elections Are Around the Corner, What Can You Do? Glenn Beck Is Joined By Attorney & Software Executive John Graves | How Do Voting Machines Work?
Klaus Schwab | "The Next Step, You Do Not Even Have to Have Elections Anymore Because You Can Already Predict. Why Do We Even Have to Have Elections? We Know What the Result Will Be?" - Klaus Schwab (1/19/2017)
Elon Musk | "There Will Come a Point Where No Job Is Needed. The AI Will Be Able to Do Everything. It's Both Good & Bad. How Do We Find Meaning In Life If You Have a Magic Genie That Can Do Everything?" + Rev 18:22
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Got This Legacy from the Past, But We Can Choose What to Keep & What Not to Keep." + "A World w/ Completely Different Laws. We Will Rebuild the Temple & Create a New Utopian Society." - Daniel 7:25
Witch Doctor At the WEF? | Pastor Benjamin Discusses: New World Order Agenda, Ecocide + "We Are On the Way to A New Order, So We Are Between Orders." - Børge Brende & Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor (Jan. 16 2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Once You Have AIs That Have This Capacity to Say to Themselves This Is Good I Want More, This Is Bad I Want Less, Then You Can AIs Starting World Wars & Going for Domination of the Whole Galaxy."