2 years agoUGANDA GREAT AWAKENING, 60 DAYS OF GLORY! 6 March 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
2 years agoAUSTRALIA! AUSTRALIA! AUSTRALIA! PROPHETIC ALERT!! 26 February 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoTO THE TRUCKERS, WITH LOVE FROM JESUS. 19 February 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
2 years agoLET GOD BE TRUE! AND EVERY MAN A LIAR! FAKE NEWS! 28 FEBRUARY 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
2 years agoDRAGONS UKRAINE PROPHESY, DIVIDING THE LAND!! 2 MARCH 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoPROPHETIC ALERT! GOD'S PERFECT TIMING FIFTY-TWO AND THREE!God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoPROPHETIC ALERT!! 18 DAYS AND 18 NIGHTS! AMERICA! 16 February 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoTRUMPETS AND TORNADOES!!! PROPHETIC ALERT! 23 FEBRUARY 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoListen a Little....and You will HEAR the "Sound of Silence!" PROPHETIC ALERT! 21 February 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
8 months agoThe U.S. Postal Service is out with its list of the top major cities for dog bitesMichiganNewsSource
7 years agoIllegal Immigrants Use Postal Service In Attempt To Sneak Into The United StatesConservativeTribuneVerified
3 years agoJACKALS ARE ON THE RUN! PROPHETIC ALERT! 9 JANUARY 2022 THE GLORY IS HERE.....God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoClay...Clay....CLAY CLARK and Lance! 29 January 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoINDIA IS GOING TO BURN WITH THE GLORY!! 19 February 2022God Says Ministries the House of Fire!
3 years agoDONALD TRUMP what is he really SAYING! PROPHETIC ALERT! LISTEN with your Spirit and you will Hear!God Says Ministries the House of Fire!