1. 📖🕯 Holy Bible - Deuteronomy 11 with Matthew Henry Commentary at the end.

    📖🕯 Holy Bible - Deuteronomy 11 with Matthew Henry Commentary at the end.

  2. Communism and Judaism are Unclean Spirits ( 5th September, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

    Communism and Judaism are Unclean Spirits ( 5th September, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

  3. The Black Nobility Mixes In ( 22nd August, 2020 ) - 1hr1m

    The Black Nobility Mixes In ( 22nd August, 2020 ) - 1hr1m

  4. Reformation Illumination and the Age of Revolution ( 8th August, 2020 ) - 1hr7m

    Reformation Illumination and the Age of Revolution ( 8th August, 2020 ) - 1hr7m

  5. Canaanites Genociding Whites Through History ( 12th September, 2020 ) - 1hr6m

    Canaanites Genociding Whites Through History ( 12th September, 2020 ) - 1hr6m

  6. Canaanites and the American Revolution ( 3rd October, 2020 ) - 1hr3m

    Canaanites and the American Revolution ( 3rd October, 2020 ) - 1hr3m

  7. The Genocide of Shem by the Canaanites et al ( 17th October, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

    The Genocide of Shem by the Canaanites et al ( 17th October, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

  8. Masonic Lodges in America in 1776 ( 10th October, 2020 ) - 1hr6m

    Masonic Lodges in America in 1776 ( 10th October, 2020 ) - 1hr6m

  9. The Historical Origins of the Time of Jacob's Trouble ( 26th September, 2020 ) - 1hr32m

    The Historical Origins of the Time of Jacob's Trouble ( 26th September, 2020 ) - 1hr32m

  10. French Revolution, Blood and Cannibalism ( 19th September, 2020 ) - 1hr32m

    French Revolution, Blood and Cannibalism ( 19th September, 2020 ) - 1hr32m

  11. Canaanites Murder Massive Amounts of Shem ( 12th December, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

    Canaanites Murder Massive Amounts of Shem ( 12th December, 2020 ) - 1hr2m

  12. Canaanites Use Amendments to Enslave Shem ( 31stOctober, 2020 ) - 1hr3m

    Canaanites Use Amendments to Enslave Shem ( 31stOctober, 2020 ) - 1hr3m

  13. Genesis 9 Psalm 6 Proverbs 3:19-20 Matthew 4:1-11 Mark 1:12-13 Luke 4:1-13 Audio Bible Reading

    Genesis 9 Psalm 6 Proverbs 3:19-20 Matthew 4:1-11 Mark 1:12-13 Luke 4:1-13 Audio Bible Reading

  14. Canaanite Masonic Devils Run the System ( 5th December, 2020 ) - 1hr1m

    Canaanite Masonic Devils Run the System ( 5th December, 2020 ) - 1hr1m

  15. Genesis 9:18-29 Psalm 7:1-9 Proverbs 3:21-26 John 1:19-34 Audio Bible Reading 3 Year Plan

    Genesis 9:18-29 Psalm 7:1-9 Proverbs 3:21-26 John 1:19-34 Audio Bible Reading 3 Year Plan
