Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Tell Trump? "There Is Only One Person You Should Not Hire, General Michael Flynn. There Are Two People In the World You Cannot Trust, One of Them Is Putin & One of Them Is General Michael Flynn."
Climate Change | "There Is One Group of People That Use Models & There Is Another Group of People That Use Evidence & the Two Are Not Accord & If the Two Are Not In Accord You Have to Throw Out the Models." - Geologist, Professor Ian
CBDC | "CBDC Allow Targeted Policy Functions. By Programming CBDC, Money Can Be Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own & What Kind of Use This Kind of Money Can Be Utilized." - Bo Li
Robin Bullock | Prophecies Fulfilled? | "Two Events. A Train, But Then Revival Is Coming Like a Train." - Robin Bullock (5/26/2020) | "There Is a Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & There Is Also Another Man By the Name of Donald."