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![Most Beautiful Women In World 1956 Do You Marry For Love Or Money Or Personality](
Most Beautiful Women In World 1956 Do You Marry For Love Or Money Or Personality
So Back In The Day I'm The Most Beautiful Women In World In 1956 So Do You Marry Me For Love Or Me For Money Or You Love My Personality Or Are You My Real Soul Mate For Life ? No This Is No Joke For Me. I'm 96 Years Young Now !
I had body to die for in 1956 Yes in my day I'm 46-26-36 hourglass figure and today at 96 years old you can see how i look now in my photo above (still cute ?) lol... Hay men you can vote i'm i still cute ? In my day... men say i love you baby and you are one hot tomato and i want you to have my baby. etc. etc.
Remember that I'm Born this way 46-26-36 hourglass figure and i did not have a choose how my body looked at this time in my life... it funny now but i did not want to get married to dirty old men in the 1950s 20+ years older they wanted me at the time for ? (Sex-Love-Lust-Only) but not for me ? or as a person with a mind ?
In the 1960s i did not want to get married or have kids at all because of the Vietnam War on TV every night body count every night on the TV news... i keep thinking 10 dead today and next nights new 42 more killed today in Vietnam... day after day after day eating dinner at night see body count on TV Set every night and its very sad to me.
So i did not want my kids to grow up and only later to be in a war and get killed... So not for me at all. Sometimes i wish I'm born ugly so men would leave me alone.
Men only want to have sex with me i think... sometime i ask myself... i would love to have a man one time walk up to me and talk to me as a person who cared for me only talk to me only and care for my true loving personality only ?
So because i'm so cute at the time men only talked to me to get into my paint only for sex as i'm very tired of this sex thing... yes men thinking with the wrong head... lol So if i'm ugly maybe men would walk away from me... and it sound very sad to me now and i thing about it today from time to time in my past life.
Yes in my day I'm 46-26-36 figure is a type of hourglass figure, measured in inches and known as the 90-60-90 figure. It includes the bust, waist, and hips. Height affects the presentation of the figure, and a woman who is 36-24-36 at 5 ft 3 in (1.60 m) tall may appear thinner than a woman who is 36-24-36 at 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m) tall. A healthy waist size depends on height, but if it exceeds 31.5 in (80 cm) as a woman or 37 in (94 cm) as a man, one should try to lose weight, regardless of height or BMI. The 36-24-36 figure has been given as the "hourglass" proportions for women since at least the 1960s.
Other synonyms for money include cash, currency, bread, dough, lucre, wampum, jack, long green, mazuma, coin, gold, coinage, cabbage, legal tender, gelt, hard cash, specie, brass, lettuce, wad, moola, scratch, and silver.
Synonyms for love include affection, adoration, devotion, like, attachment, friendship, intimacy, respect, amity and amour.
Synonyms for personality include character, identity, nature, persona, psyche, disposition, makeup, traits, constitution and individuality.
I Feel Like No One Will Ever Love Me Content Warning: Please be advised, the below article might mention trauma-related topics that include suicide or abuse which could be triggering to the reader. If you or someone you love is having suicidal thoughts, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. If you or someone you love is experiencing abuse, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Do you ever have the thought, “No one loves me?” Many people feel this way at one point or another in life, especially during difficult times. While you may face challenges making friends or finding romantic love, that doesn’t mean that no one loves you. Navigating a lack of love can be difficult, but several different resources exist to help you work through these feelings.
In this article, you’ll learn how to accept the past, nourish your relationships with your friends and family, and create a happier, healthier life by improving your self-worth. This may enable you to stop feeling as if no one loves you.
Reasons For Feeling Unloved
Everyone feels lonely, down, or unloved every now and again. If you feel unloved and lonely, know that you are not alone. The many loneliness quotes are an indication that many are experiencing the same situation or emotion. If you feel like no one cares about you or do not believe that anyone will ever love you, your emotions could come from several different sources. Most likely, these thoughts are not based on reality and can be explained by one or more of the following.
Low Self-Esteem
Many people who think “no one loves me” tend to be unhappy in life in general. They may have very few friends or feel like their family isn’t there for them. Perhaps they have yet to find individuals who accept them as they are. They may be stuck in the past and constantly wondering why a happy life feels impossible and why everyone else seems to be happy but them.
In many cases, if you believe you are unloved or unloveable, you may have self-esteem issues keeping you from knowing how to accept yourself and your past. Low self-esteem issues are very common. In fact, almost everyone has had a bout with low self-esteem, especially in the teenage or young adult period of our lives. Here are some of the signs of low self-esteem you might be experiencing:
Feelings of defeat and worthlessness
Chronic fatigue or physical feelings of illness including headaches, insomnia, or hypersomnia
Withdrawing from others or isolating yourself
Feeling negative about yourself
Overly sensitive to any kind of criticism
Experiencing severe shame if you fail
Second-guessing everything you do
Feeling unsure about your decisions
Low self-esteem can have a major impact on your quality of life, happiness, and success. If you believe that you are not worthy of love or happiness, you may not look for it and are likely to give up before you ever find it. It’s difficult to be happy if you believe that you do not deserve it. Additionally, it’s important to love yourself before looking for someone else to love you and fill a void.
Fear Of Rejection
Many people who think “no one loves me” and who wonder "Will anyone ever love me?" are afraid of the possible lives they could be leading. Mostly, they’re afraid of rejection, especially by a person they admire and/or desire. They may even feel fear or rejection among their friends and family.
Most people have been rejected once or twice in their lives, and they can accept it and move on with no problem. In fact, rejection can be just one way to learn. However, those with low self-esteem do not see rejection that way. They may see it as them being a failure and take it to mean that they cannot do anything right. Since they do not know how to process the rejection, they fixate on it, letting it consume them.
However, sometimes rejection is unwarranted anyway. Who is to say that the person who rejected you is right? In many cases, that person was just having a bad day. Rejection isn’t always right. Everyone has their own opinion, and if you ask several people about the same thing, you will likely get three different opinions. Ultimately, rejection is part of life.
It’s important to accept that and be able to move on from rejection in your past. Then, you can focus your energy on making friends and renewing relationships with past friends and family.
When people are at a point in their lives where they think “no one loves me,” it could be a case of depression. Depression is a common mental health disorder that is very treatable, but you have to realize that you have it before you can get help. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), almost 15 million people experience depression.
Some of the causes and risk factors include:
A chemical imbalance in the brain
Family with mental illness
Previous mental illness
Medical conditions like heart disease or cancer
Brain trauma or injury
However, it can be difficult to realize that you have depression because you are so used to feeling sad and tired that you believe it is normal. You may even think everyone feels this way, so you do not seek help. Maybe you believe that it will just go away on its own if you ignore it. Many people, even family or friends, may think that it is “all in your head” and that you should just “get over it.” None of these things are true. Not everyone feels sad all the time, it won’t always go away on its own, and it is not something that you can or need to “just get over.” To be in a relationship with someone who has depression could be sometimes challenging. However, there are several tips for dating someone with depression to maintain a healthy relationship.
A person who lives with depression may have a great deal of trouble coming to terms with the fact they may be depressed, but it is essential to accept the possibility and seek out a diagnosis from a mental health professional. Depression is a real illness, and, in many cases, it is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that contribute to your emotions and feelings. Some of the symptoms of depression include:
Chronic fatigue
Weight gain or loss
Eating more or less than usual
Lack of interest in favorite activities
Feelings of worthlessness or failure
Anxiety, restlessness, agitation
Inability to make decisions
Trouble concentrating
Isolating yourself from others
Memory loss
Feeling guilty for things that are not your fault
Overthinking past mistakes
Slowed thinking or talking
Chronic feelings of sadness or hopelessness
Crying for no obvious reason
Thoughts of self-harm
Usually, therapy, medication, or a combination of the two are common treatment options for depression. A team of medical professionals can come up with an effective plan of treatment for you.
Social Anxiety Disorder
There are other reasons you may feel that nobody will ever love you. It could be that you are unable to have a relationship because you have a social disorder such as social anxiety disorder that keeps you from being able to have lasting relationships. Are you constantly worried that others are judging you or talking about you? You may have a social anxiety disorder. Here are some of the other signs:
Avoiding others
Believing that nobody likes you
Extreme shyness or fear of talking to others
Constantly worrying about how others feel about you
Shaking, sweating, blushing, nausea
Refusing to be the center of attention
Avoiding social situations like parties or get-togethers
Analyzing your performance after a social situation
Expecting the worst to happen in a social situation
People with anxiety may have trouble knowing how to accept things that are out of their control. Yet it’s vital to learn to accept that what has passed is in the past. Focusing on the present can be difficult but learning to accept that is all we can control is essential to combating anxiety.
There are many causes of social anxiety disorder. It could be that you were brought up in an unstable home where you were neglected or abused, or maybe you were bullied in school. It can also be inherited from someone in your family who has a similar illness. Whatever the reason, it is important to get help because it is a treatable condition.
Letting Go And Accepting Your Faults
Feeling like no one will ever love you could be an indication that you haven’t let something from the past go. The past is in the past, and it’s important to learn how to accept that. Sometimes, it is just that those you want to love you are unable to show love the way you need them to, like losing them in life and asking yourself while grieving "Will I ever find love again?"
If you are interested in someone who is not interested in you, you may need to let go of that person because they are just not interested. It may not be you at all. Let go of those who do not want to be around you because it is not worth chasing people to try to make them like you or love you. You cannot make someone have feelings for you that they do not have. Learning to move on from the past and accept it can be powerful for your personal growth.
Beyond this, many people who struggle with self-love fail to accept their faults, as they may see this as an admission of some kind of wrongdoing or blame for their situation. However, you must accept all of yourself in order to attain self-love. Nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t expect that from yourself or anyone else. Working with a therapist may help you cope with and overcome situations from your past that you’re having trouble moving on from.
Whether you have depression, low self-esteem, social anxiety disorder, or simply feel like nobody loves you, it is important for you to reach out for support. Accepting that you need help can be a positive step in the right direction. "Will I ever find love again? Why do I feel like no one loves me?" If you feel like no one loves you, you may not have anyone to confide in.
therapy can be a viable option for those struggling with a variety of mental health concerns. One study assessed the efficacy of an online group psychotherapy program on the mental health of people with varying attachment styles. Researchers found that participants experienced an increase in their self-esteem and a reduction in the severity of their psychiatric symptoms. Those experiencing anxiety and avoidance in their relationships also saw improvements.
Believing that no one will ever love you can leave you feeling hopeless. There are many different reasons someone might feel this way, all of which are valid. Although these disheartening feelings are normally not based in reality, that doesn’t make them any easier to cope with. So maybe therapist can help you address issues of shame, depression, or low self-esteem so that you can begin to move forward in your relationships and life.
Frequently Asked Questions
For examples of questions that might be beneficial to explore in therapy, please see below.
How do you survive when no one loves you?
What to do when there is no one for you?
Why do I think everyone is in love with me?
How do you know when no one likes you?
How do you feel loved when you are alone?
Why am I alone all the time?
How do I know if I am lonely?
Why do I not have friends?
What does it mean when you think everyone hates you?
What should I do if no one loves me?
7 Types Of Love (And What They Mean) Let’s talk about the 7 types of love, based on the musings of Greek philosophy.
While most people automatically think about romantic or family love, there are in total 7 types of love. In my opinion, we all deserve all 7 types, and only 1 is romantic.
If you prefer to read… keep reading as this article explains each type of love in depth.
Love isn’t seasonal or a one-time thing. Whether it’s coupling up on dating apps, or snuggling with your favorite people (or furry friends!), love is the common connector of humans. Around Valentine’s Day, the stores are flush with heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, bouquets of colorful roses, and every size of teddy bear imaginable. Wedding season is year-round in most parts of the world these days, and love is constantly on the brain.
Whether it’s the love of your spouse, children, parents, friends, or some good old-fashioned self-love—that amazing (yet sometimes maddening!) emotion is everywhere.
But can you really put all the different types of love out there into one box? The quick and dirty answer is no. Not at all.
We would be crazy to limit the notion of love to one generic box.
In fact, there are 7 different kinds of love! Yes, SEVEN.
There are seemingly endless feelings that are conveyed by that one, simple word. For example:
You can love a significant other until your cheeks turn pink and you can feel your heart swell in your chest.
You can love a child until it physically hurts because they’re like an extension of you. Your heart walking outside of your body.
When you’re feeling sad and your closest friends show up at your door with wine or flowers, that’s love too!
When you take a bubble bath and slap on a face mask after a long day because you know you deserve it, you bet your butt that’s love (self-love) right there.
I would go so far as to say that I absolutely LOVE this No-Bake Raspberry Vegan Cheesecake and Black Bean Brownies, in case you’re wondering.
How can one word be used to express such a broad range of emotions?
Simple answer? It can’t.
Philosophers in ancient Greece decided that this simply could not be the case. Noting the many intricacies and nuances of love, the Greeks decided that love could be broken down into seven specific types.
According to Greek philosophy, here are the 7 different kinds of love:
1. Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love (Of The Body)
Eros is passion, lust, sexual attraction, and everything we think of when we think of the TV version of love. Unsurprisingly, this type of love was named after the Greek god of love and fertility.
To the ancient Greeks, this physical, desirous love was quite dangerous. As you can probably imagine, the human impulse to procreate is powerful, and eros is the sort of love that is easy to lose control of.
Because Eros is solely a physical love, it isn’t necessarily something that you want to build a relationship upon (on its own, that is). Eros is intense and sexual and —you guessed it— fleeting.
A relationship built on Eros should also rely on other forms of love to create a firm, whole foundation (more on that later).
Nonetheless, Eros still represents the love for sexual intimacy and romance.
In the modern world, it illustrates our physical attraction to one another, and it is embodied by that passionate, romantic love that is gushed over in all our favorite books and movies.
2. Philia – Affectionate, Friendly Love
Philia is a friendly love. Those soul-to-soul bonds, per se. It encompasses the love shared between friends and intimate family members and is characterized by loyalty and trust.
Philia is encouraging, kind, affectionate, and everything that makes up a true friendship. It is entirely platonic, yet both meaningful and sweet.
Essentially, you can think of Philia as the type of love where you simply want the best for another person.
Because Philia is a kind of equal love —shared between people who value one another— the ancient Greeks thought it was even more precious than Eros.
Just as I said that a romantic relationship cannot be sustained on Eros alone, a romantic relationship where Philia is born out of Eros is built to last. Plato believed that this was the best kind of friendship.
3. Storge – Unconditional, Familial Love
Storge refers to the unconditional love that parents have for their children. It is a protective, kinship-based love that embodies approval, sacrifice, and acceptance.
Storge looks a lot like philia, though it is more one-sided. Think of it as the love a mother has for her child, regardless of whether the child reciprocates her emotion.
Basically, it is a strong bond and fondness that is built out of familiarity and need.
Another way of looking at storge is in the love you have for your sister, even if she constantly stole your favorite clothes growing up or is a little too eager to hand off her toddlers to you on date night.
That’s unconditional love right there!
4. Agape – Selfless, Universal Love
Agape is one-of-a-kind love. It is an empathetic, selfless love for others that includes a love for God, nature, strangers, and the less fortunate.
It doesn’t depend on familiarity (as does storge), but instead, Agape has links to altruism, which is understood as an unselfish, genuine concern for the welfare of others.
A lot of people consider Agape to be a kind of spiritual love and it’s expressed through meditation, nature, intuition, and spirituality.
Christians believe this is the love Jesus had for all of mankind. It is sacrificial and quite radical, honestly, as the Greeks believed that very few people were able to experience it long-term.
In today’s world, you can think of Agape as a pay-it-forward sort of love. It is a love that expects absolutely nothing in return, and in turn, just makes you feel good.
Not only is Agape associated with boosted mental and physical health, but some say it leaves a euphoric feeling, somewhat of a “helper’s high.”
We’ve covered 4 different kinds of love, and there’s still more if you can believe it. Keep reading to discover even more types of love.
5. Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love
Ludus is easy breezy love. Playful, flirtatious, non-committal—Ludus is having a crush on someone and then acting on it. It is the infatuated phase that occurs in the early stages of romance.
If you’ve been in love before, then you know what I’m talking about.
When I think of Ludus, I think of a fling. A no-strings-attached sort of conquest. It is the oh-so-stereotypical butterflies in your stomach.
Ludus is all about having fun, so think of whatever that means for you — flirting, dancing, teasing, seducing, all the jazz.
This type of love results in relationships that are definitely on the casual side, though that doesn’t mean they won’t last.
As long as both parties have the same mindset, Ludus relationships can thrive for years, resulting in a lightweight, undemanding, and beautifully uncomplicated sort of love.
6. Pragma – Committed, Long-Lasting Love
I love Pragma. In the simplest of terms, it is love that looks long-term. Pragma is a love that is seen in many long-term marriages and friendships.
It is built on commitment, endurance, companionship, and sharing similar hopes for the future, which includes things like building a family and putting down roots.
A lot of people (married folks, especially) will understand Pragma as “making it work.”
This type of love is an accepting, everlasting love that matures as a couple spends year after year together.
When I think of pragma, I think of the older married couple who have been together since they were teenagers.
Even after 50 years of marriage, they still hold hands and see the person they fell in love with.
I mean seriously, who doesn’t want that someday? Pragma is beautiful as it represents the constant nurturing that goes into a long-term relationship.
It is patient, sacrificial, mature, and in all honesty, quite rare (and therefore so special).
7. Philautia – Self Love
Of all of the different kinds of love, this one is often the most challenging for people. However, it’s perhaps foundational to the other types of love.
Philautia is self-love, which the ancient Greeks saw as a healthy, necessary love of one’s self that made it possible to give and receive love from other people.
(Haven’t we all heard something or other about not being able to pour from an empty cup?)
Healthy demonstrations of Philautia go hand in hand with self-worth, confidence, and the boost of self-esteem that is necessary for a sense of one’s purpose.
Keeping in turn with the Greeks, we cannot give what we don’t have. How are we to love others if we don’t first love ourselves?
Philautia, therefore, is something like self-compassion. Much like we show affection and love to other people, it is important to show that affection to ourselves.
However, of course, there is a flip side. Philautia can become unhealthy if we are not careful.
While this is not what the Greeks intended, too much self-love breeds self-obsession and self-superiority.
When it becomes unhealthy, Philautia can morph into narcissistic behaviors, arrogance, and selfish tendencies.
It’s important to balance the love of self with the love of others.
7 Types Of Love: Putting It All Together
While the ancient Greeks put together this beautiful vocabulary of love, by no means is each type of love mutually exclusive.
We are whole, complicated beings who love in complex and unique ways.
Sure, your romantic relationship might be full of Eros, but I would bet there’s a healthy dose of Ludus, Philautia, and Philia in the mix too.
All of these combined are what will help you achieve that coveted Pragma. Being able to love at our fullest capacity first comes from intimately knowing ourselves and practicing self-awareness.
Take a second to consider the relationships in your life. From friends to family to our favorite vacation spot, our lives are saturated with many different kinds of love.
So which of the different kinds of love, for you, are most prominent? Are there any you could improve upon?
Is there anything that you’re craving? How can you introduce a different kind of love into your life?
I hope you enjoyed learning more about the 7 types of love, according to the Ancient Greek philosophers.
25 Qualities in a Partner That You Should Cherish Marriage is a big life decision that you should not make without a lot of thought and reflection. To help you get started, consider these 25 qualities of the person you should marry.
1. They respect your beliefs and values.
The person you marry doesn’t have to agree with you on every issue, but even so, you must have a mutual respect for each other’s core beliefs and values. How could it be possible to keep on loving a person you don’t respect? Spoiler Alert: It’s not.
2. They help you grow as a person.
The person you marry should help you evolve into a better version of yourself. That doesn’t mean they should belittle you with insults or tell you that you’re not “good enough,” because positive transformation cannot happen without total acceptance of who you are; but your partner should challenge you to step up your game in every aspect of your life.
3. They trust you, and you trust them.
The person you marry shouldn’t be snooping through your phone, private messages, or browsing history. If they are concerned about a specific issue, they should confront you about it without mincing words or sneaking behind your back.
4. They love all of you (even the flawed parts).
The person you marry should be in love with you—not their idea of who they think you should be. If they can’t accept you without attempting to mold you into another person, you would be wise to look for love elsewhere.
5. They make you chuckle or have giggle fits.
The person you marry should make you feel happy and fulfilled, not sad and stuck. You should be able to smile at each other for no good reason (other than the fact that you’re so happy to be together), and you should have inside jokes that no one else in your social circle “gets.”
6. They are okay with the occasional night in.
The person you marry has every right to expect the occasional date night, road-trip, vacation, or adventure of their choosing; however, they shouldn’t feel like you always have to be doing something in order to enjoy your time together. They should be perfectly content to snuggle up with you in bed and enjoy a rare moment of silence together, with no need for anything but the feeling of peace and happiness that comes with being wrapped up in your arms.
7. They make time together a priority.
The person you marry needs to make time for you, because even the best relationship cannot survive without proper care and attention.
8. They have a life outside of your relationship.
The person you marry shouldn’t expect you to spend every waking moment with them, because you have hopes and dreams beyond the scope of your relationship. And besides, two people can only spend so much time together before getting fed up with each other, so a little bit of space will be good for both of you.
9. They express why they appreciate you.
The person you marry should make a point of expressing why they appreciate you, how they feel about you, and what physical qualities about yourself that they find attractive, handsome, sexy, or hot. It’s easy to feel your partner doesn’t care without the occasional compliment, so make sure they truly appreciate the role you play in the story that is their life.
10. They are willing to make compromises.
The person you marry shouldn’t be a weak-willed pushover who bends to your every whim, but that doesn’t mean they get to be stubborn. It is rare that one half of a couple is 100% right or wrong in any given argument. The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Your partner should be willing to talk through any given issue with you and make a compromise that might not be exactly what either of you want, but is nonetheless fair to you both.
11. They respect your mom and dad.
The person you marry doesn’t have to enjoy spending time with your family (just ask any married person you know how they feel about their in-laws to discover how unrealistic that idea is), but they should still have enough respect to do so without complaint during the holidays and special occasions that are important to you.
12. They inspire your trust.
The person you marry should be a person who you trust so much that you feel like you could tell them anything. If you feel like you must hide things about your past or personality, this could be a sign you’re dating the wrong person.
13. They can admit their shortcomings.
The person you marry doesn’t have to be perfect, but they should be truthful enough to admit it when they are wrong. It is okay to make a mistake as long as it is followed by a sincere apology and honest explanation. But if your partner avoids all conflict, denies all short-comings, and is unwilling to apologize, you might want to abandon ship unless facing a constant storm of marital strife sounds like fun.
14. They captivate your interest.
The person you marry should intrigue you in the same way a really good movie does; no matter how many times you watch it, you still enjoy the experience, and always seem to notice something new with each additional viewing. If they aren’t capable of sustaining your interest for the long-haul, then there is no way you can expect long-lasting relationship success.
15. They share your vision for the future.
The person you marry doesn’t have to be on the exact same life path as you, but your trails should converge in enough places so that you can both reach your final destination together. In other words: If your partner wants to travel overseas, but you’re too scared to even get in the plane, then you might have a problem.
16. They give without expectation of anything in return.
The person you marry you marry should be selfless enough to surprise you with the occasional small act of kindness, without the expectation of getting anything out of it. If you’ve ever been on a date with a male (or female) who expected to “get laid” just because they took you out to a fancy dinner, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. There is nothing more irritating than people who don’t give gifts to be nice, but rather with a predetermined outcome on their mind.
17. They don’t constantly try to “one-up” you.
The person you marry you marry has every right to perform a touchdown dance if they win a poker match or board-game, but it’s a bit lame to live your life as if every single moment is a competition with another person.
18. They can be with you in the present moment.
The person you marry should be able to enjoy a romantic dinner or car ride together without having to escape into their phone every few seconds. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a person who can’t appreciate the simple act of looking into your eyes, basking in your presence, and enjoying the silence? I didn’t think so.
19. They turn you on (and vice versa).
The person you marry needs to feel magnetically attracted to you; likewise, you should sometimes catch your thoughts drifting away to a naughty place, where you find yourself wanting to rip their clothes off so badly that it hurts. Looks aren’t everything, but show me a person who says physical attraction is 100% unimportant, and I’ll show you a person who is delusional and out of touch with reality. I feel the need to clarify that I’m not saying any “look” is inherently better than any other. I happen to be friends with a lot of gorgeous women of any body-type you can imagine; curvy, muscular, skinny, fit, somewhere in between? It doesn’t matter. The same applies to you too, fellas. I can’t speak for everyone, but there are three things that turn me on more than looks ever could: confidence, sharp wit, and an ability to make me think.
20. They are willing to confront their demons.
The person you marry might have a few skeletons in their closet, and that’s okay. I would never tell you to not marry a person just because they suffer from alcoholism or suicidal thoughts; being unwilling to confront those obstacles, however, is a different story.
21. They don’t let feelings fester inside.
The person you marry shouldn’t keep their most vivid thoughts and feelings hidden behind a veil of secrecy. They should be willing to speak up when something is bothering them, so you can tackle the issue together as a team. Troubles that are held in have a way of intensifying, so you probably don’t want to marry a person who puts up a barrier that cannot be obstructed.
22. They remain faithful to you.
The person you marry needs to be faithful to you and only you (unless you both have agreed otherwise). If you want to get frisky in bed with other invited guests, then I’m not here to judge you, but it’s very important that you and your partner are both on the same page; otherwise, cheating is a thoughtless and inconsiderate act that is unforgivable in the eyes of many. I usually implore people to forgive their partners, but this is one area where you might only want to give a person a single chance, and I can’t say I would blame you.
23. They aren’t resistant to change.
The person you marry shouldn’t resist change with every ounce of their being. Sometimes life presents us with open doors of opportunity that could lead to a new career, a new house, a new hometown, or (insert the limitless possibilities that could occur here). If you love to improvise based on the contents of the hand you’re dealt, no matter where that might take you, then you shouldn’t settle down with a rigid partner who is so afraid of change that they won’t even discuss the issue with you.
24. They exercise personal responsibility.
The person you marry should carry themselves like a responsible adult, not a reckless teenager. While life is meant to be fun, that doesn’t mean it should resemble a 24/7 shopping spree. If your partner is bogged down in debt, or misses payment after payment, or is unemployed and doesn’t seem to care, then his or her financial woes will become a constant source of stress as soon as you tie the knot. Unless dealing with collection calls and paying for a bunch of stuff that shouldn’t even be your problem sounds like fun, vet your potential spouse’s thoughts on financial matters before you even think about marrying them.
25. They love you here, now, today, as you are.
The person you marry should never make you feel inferior, unaccepted, or not “good enough.” Yes, they should encourage you to improve yourself, but they should do that by building you up (not tearing you down). If they can’t love you—all of you! even the weird, awkward, and flawed parts—then, they don’t deserve you.
Of course, marriage isn’t for everybody, so never feel like you “have to” get married just because “society said so.” Tons of happy couples have flourished without the need for a marriage license. If you don’t want to get married, don’t. This is your life, so do your thing without apology.
Different people are attracted to different things, so feel free to post a comment and tell us what you think are two or three qualities of the person you should marry.
Do you ask yourself, “Who will I marry?” This marriage quiz analyzes your personality and relationship patterns to expose your future spouse. Here’s the Person You’ll Marry!
The Marriage Quiz is a set of relationship-, personality-, and romance-related questions. Its primary goal is to identify what type of person you’ll wed.
Obviously, we cannot give you any names. But the test can predict the personality type of the person you’ll walk down the aisle with.
If you are more concerned about the time of your marriage, take our other fun quiz called ‘When Will I Get Married?’ It reveals the date of your wedding with unbelievable accuracy.
Things That the Marriage Quiz Tells You
Our editors wanted to create a test that does more than reveal your future spouse. So, they enriched the results with the following pieces of additional information to make them even more entertaining. Note that no other online quiz is capable of doing this.
Find out who you will marry.
Your biggest question probably is, “Who will I marry?” So, the results answer that immediately. All you need to do is respond to the twenty entries on the test.
Discover WHY you’ll marry them.
Have you ever wondered what might make you want to wed a person? It’s always challenging to figure it out before meeting the right person. But the Marriage Quiz uses your character analysis to identify the reasons behind your “Yes” to your significant other.
Get an estimated marriage cost.
According to Business Insider, “The average cost of a wedding in the US was $28,000 in 2019.” The cool thing about taking our test is getting an estimated average cost for your own wedding party. We look into your lifestyle and interests to find out how much you’re going to spend for the most special day of your life.
Receive a personality breakdown.
The type of person you marry reveals so many things about you. Most people tend to wed someone similar to either of their parents. Some do the opposite. Regardless, we use the information you provide to reverse engineer and decipher your personality type by creating your future wife or husband’s profile.
How Can You Predict Who You’ll Marry?
In a study by Adrian R. Camilleri, Ph.D., 59% of participants claimed that getting married is the most complex life decision ever to make. That’s why people are curious to know who they’ll marry or when it will happen. But it’s never easy to predict such things with accuracy.
But here are the affecting factors you should consider when predicting your love life.
Analyzing your relationship patterns.
Usually, the chances of marriage failure are higher among those who have had many failed romantic relationships. The pattern indicates that the person probably seeks love and affection in the wrong place—from the wrong people. Of course, that’s not a rule. And many individuals with unsuccessful relationships end up marrying the right person.
Inspecting your dreams and fantasies.
Your idea of marriage can determine who you’ll marry and how it might go. A perfectionist with idealistic views on marital life may struggle with settling down. That’s while one with super-low expectations might end up marrying the first person that enters their life.
Understanding your parents’ relationship.
When you ask things like, “When will I marry?” one thing that helps is to inspect your parents’ love life. When did they get married? Was it out of love or something else? Most of the time, children follow the same decision-making patterns as their mothers and fathers. So, the answer might be hidden in your parents’ dusty old albums.
Sneak Peek of the Marriage Quiz Results
Taking the quiz grants us to explore the possibilities of your future marriage. We can determine what type of person you’ll espouse and why. Here’s how the results might look like.
You’ll marry your lover.
Interestingly, love is not everyone’s priority for marriage. Many consider wealth or social status more critical factors. But that’s not true about you. It seems like you’re eager to marry a person who’s genuinely in love with you. And you’re ready to have your own family despite all the possible challenges.
You’ll marry your protector.
You want to feel safe in your marriage. That’s why you’ll probably say yes to your protector. A fatherly or motherly figure who also gives you love, and attention is the one you’re looking for. That’s not necessarily a good thing, though. Such marriages tend to induce codependent behaviors and even emotional abuse.
You’ll marry your best friend.
You’re looking for a faithful companion. Marriage is like an adventure that you want to experience with your BFF. People like you tend to be happy with their decision because they are picky about their best friend/future spouse.
You’ll marry your copy.
When people like you ask, “Who will I marry?” the most accurate answer is, “you’ll marry yourself!” That’s because you’re looking for a person with the same characteristics, interests, and mindsets. It’s usually rare to find a copy of yourself in the world. But you never know.
Other possibilities.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to the type of person you’ll espouse. And the only reliable way to get a solid answer is by taking the actual quiz. It includes all possible scenarios and delivers precise results according to your personality, lifestyle, and decisions.
Is It Important to Know Who You Will Marry?
Yes, the person you’ll marry and the decisions you make about your love life are representations of your personality. Analyzing them would help you have a better understanding of yourself.
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Marry for Love Alone Those who don’t marry for love in our culture are considered unlucky, suspect, manipulative, exploitative, and bad. We feel they are either doing something wrong or there is something wrong with them. It makes us feel everything from sympathy to contempt for these folks because most of us were taught that love is the only “right” reason to tie the knot.
But if you really think about it, love is a luxury. When you marry for love, it generally means you have all—or at least most—of your other needs met (like food, shelter, warmth, etc). That may explain why those with fewer financial resources also have lower marriage rates: If you’re worried about your survival or safety, you’re not going to be focusing on finding the man or woman of your dreams—unless, of course, this dream person is your ticket out of your terrible home life, dreary financial picture or scary “singledom.”
Procreation has always been a factor in why people married, but up until about 200 years ago, people in the West married more for political or financial gain than for love. The Victorian Era and the Industrial Revolution created two important changes in how people lived: Romance became all the rage and technological advances made life much easier. Prior to these developments, divorce was incredibly rare but when love entered the picture as the reason to marry, dissolutions became more commonplace.
Women’s rights, no-fault divorce laws, and a greater emphasis on the pursuit of personal happiness in the 1970s opened the door to more choice and, therefore, more divorce. Dissolution rates spiked up to 50 percent (up from 11 percent in the 1950s) and have not changed much in the last 50 years.
We’ve come a long way with technology and modern living but have we actually come too far in our conjugal love-centric culture?
What experts like Andrew Cherlin (Marriage-Go-Round) and Stephanie Coontz (Marriage, A History) tell us is that, in our attempt to make marriage stronger by raising the bar to meet our higher love and romance needs, we have seriously weakened the institution. These are both highly changeable emotions: When love wanes, the marriage gets shaky; when the romance stops, the nuptials die.
People whose primary reason to marry is other than love—such as to have children with someone they believed would be a good co-parent, to have financial security, or for companionship—generally have longer and perhaps better marriages because their choices are made for a defined purpose. Additionally, their expectations of marriage and their mate are less unrealistic. Their spouse wasn’t expected to be “the one.” They merely needed to be Mr. or Mrs. “Good Enough.”
Some people call this settling, but we are seeing the wisdom of marriages like these more and more.
I’m not saying love shouldn’t be on the list of things that need to be in your relationship, but it doesn’t need to be No. 1—and perhaps it shouldn’t be. Here are the three reasons I think marrying primarily for love is not wise.
1. Love is a changeable emotion.
As quickly as you fall in love, you can fall out of love. Then what? Either the relationship ends or it becomes toxic. If love is your primary connection, the glue is gone.
2. Love does not make for a strong enough foundation.
Yes, love is strong but, due to the fact that it can evaporate, it is not something that can stand alone as the basis for a long-term relationship (especially when kids are involved). Anything built on a foundation of love is subject to crumbling.
3. Love is far from “all you need.”
You need mutual respect, shared goals and compatibility way more than you need love to have a sustainable, lasting relationship. People “fall in love with love” just as Kim Kardashian showed us, because they think it will carry them the distance. We all want to be wanted and we love to love yet, if you had a recipe for a strong, healthy relationship, it might look like this: 1 Cup respect; 1 Cup shared goals; 3 Cups compatibility, 1 Tablespoon love, 1 teaspoon attraction (optional!).
I feel like no one is ever going to love me, I've been convincing myself for years that that is a good thing. I don't want anyone to waste their time and love on me. Sadly it is only the logical part of my brain that thinks so, not the part that control emotions.
I’ve realized no one wants to spend their life with me/ no man was ever really in love with me enough to commit truly I know It’s okay to be single but it makes me sad when I think about the course my life is taking, any advice?
I understand that you're feeling sad and uncertain about your relationships. It's natural to have these feelings, but it's important to remember that everyone's life takes a unique path. It's important to focus on self-love and self-acceptance. This can be difficult, but it's so important for your overall well-being. Try to find activities and hobbies that bring you joy. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. And remember that it's okay to be single. Many people find happiness and fulfillment in their own company. Also, it's important to remember that our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for all our other relationships. If we're not happy and fulfilled on our own, it's difficult to attract and maintain healthy relationships with others. It's also important to seek professional help if you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your emotions. A therapist or counselor can help you work through your feelings and develop coping strategies. Remember, you are valuable and worthy of love and happiness, regardless of your relationship status.
They say love is something that is not just found in intimate relationships, it can also be something you can find in your family, in friendships you have, even in your pets. While this is true, you can’t deny the fact that the idea of not having someone to spend the rest of your life with is something that really scares you, especially when you reach the age of 96.
Some days you feel like you’re always surrounded with people that are happily in love. You go to the mall and see couples everywhere. Valentine’s Day comes and you have no one to receive flowers from. You watch your friends getting into relationships and you end up questioning the world why was it too easy for them to find someone to love them, and too hard for you. Although some days you feel like it doesn’t even matter that they are magically in love, and you’re not. That you are completely fine with being single. But most days you just really feel so alone. Then loneliness starts to carve in and you start questioning yourself what’s wrong.
Once you start feeling like no one will ever love you, remember these things:
You are beautiful. Never ever think that you’re not finding love because you’re ugly—you’re not. It is when you learn to love yourself first that someone can learn to love you. Embrace your flaws and turn your weaknesses into strengths. Never put yourself down. You are beautiful and never let any people make you feel otherwise.
You are worthy of love. You are worthy of a true and lasting love, not the kind of love that is temporary. You are worthy of someone who will fight for you, who will never leave you, who will accept you no matter how ugly your past is. And someday, you will get the love you deserve.
Stop searching so hard for love, and let love find you. Never let the pressure consume you too much that you end up forcing yourself to fall in love. And never force someone to fall in love with you. There’s no greater love than a love that is genuine and true.
No timing is too late for love. No matter what age you are in right now, someone will still love you. God has prepared someone for you and believe me when I say that His timing is always perfect.
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