The Great Reset | Why Is Robin Bullock One of the Few Christian Leaders Willing to Call Out Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, CERN, Pan, the Ceremony of Pan & the Satanic Agenda of the World Economic Forum + Where Does SATAN Dwell?
April 8th 2024 | What Does Eclipse Mean? Eclipse = Ek (Out or Away) + Leipein (Leave) Homeland Security On April 8th Preparations? 77 April 8th Facts: NASA Serpent Deity Mission, Red Heifers & CERN Restarting Hadron Colliders, Etc.
SATAN | Where Does Satan Dwelleth? Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization And GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations Headquartered in Geneva Where Antipas Was Martyred?