Skydome Atlantis CERN 5G Nexrad HAARP Gwen Towers Antarctica Anomaly Mystery Solved!

6 months ago

@demonhunter-skydomeatlanti1746 9 hours ago (edited):

I don’t believe CERN has anything to do with the two suns; as they have patents for SunSim, MoonSim, Meteorite Sims, etc..

I and others have also caught mech all around Weaponized SunSim (Death Star) that torched Maui, Chile, etc..

They are however vacuum sealing Yahweh’s natural earth frequency for their 4th Industrial Revolution

Transhumanism Agenda via 5G, Nexrad, HAARP and Gwen Towers that have 300 spoke wires under ground and altering music hz thus creating a Live AI Augmented Virtual Realty Mindcontrol Smart Dust Confinement Dome over our heads (Sentient World Stimulation) using foglets and Utility fog.

It’s my belief they used CERN to collect dark matter from behind the veil and dispersed it thru their CHEMTRAIL network which is acting as CHEMTRAIL Gateway portals to Outerdarkness.

The Digitalized Artificial Quantum SkyCanopy over our heads made via Chemtrails is made of tesseracts which is also pulling in Outerdarkness; hence why we see Squadron of Demons manifesting only out of the Chemtrails.

This of course based off my studies.

Demon Hunter - Skydome Atlantis
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