Yuval Noah Harari | "The Book (The Bible) Didn't Just Come from Heaven In It's Complete Form. A Text Which Claimed to Be Written By St. Paul, But Many Scholars Believe That It Wasn't Written By St. Paul (1st Timothy).
Remnant Church | Remnant Church Weekly Updates + Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Want to Re-Write the Bible Using A.I.? (Revelation 16:12-13) | "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Israel | "A.I. Can Even Write a NEW BIBLE" - Yuval Noah Harari | What 6 Events Does the Bible Say Are to Happen? Gibson, Caviezel & Ballard to Expose the $34B Sex-Trafficking Industry + BRICs Look to Dedollarize + Special Guest Dave Scarlett
Yuval Noah Harari | Klaus Schwab Lead Advisor "We Don't Have to Wait Until Christ's Second Coming to Overcome Death a Few Geeks In a Laboratory Can Do It If We Give Them Enough Time and Money."
Yuval Noah Harari | Artificial Intelligence | "Here We Have Intelligent Design. Not the Intelligent Design of the Creationist In the Bible, a REAL INTELLIGENT DESIGN. We Are Designing the A.I. And Then the A.I."