Robin Bullock | Robin Discusses: Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, CERN, the Depopulation Agenda, the Dangers of RHINOS, CS Lewis, the Coming Return of the Lion of Judah and Why NOW Is Not the Time for Tribulation
Donald J. Trump And The Rapture + Is "Donald J. Trump" Referenced In The Bible? + Does Trump Name Have Biblical Meaning? 1st Thess 4: 13-18 + 1st Cor 15:52 + A DEEP DIVE Bible + Cyrus, Isaiah 45 + 7 Signs of Very End Times
Pastor Todd Coconato | Is NOW the Time for Some Table Flipping Jesus? "Jesus Never Claimed to Be God, He Was Basically This Hippy Guru Who Wanted to Reform Judaism. Jesus Did Not Think He Was Yahweh." - Yuval Noah Harari
Tucker Carlson | World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 + CBDCs | "Time to Check In With Our Lizard Overlords In Davos, Switzerland. What Are They Are Up To? Well This?! They Are So Impressive. What a Bunch of Freaks."