Conservatism isn’t Necessarily Enlightenment (in Fact, it Definitely isn’t, as MUCH More is Required, and Conservatism isn’t Even a Requirement), BUT Too Many Spiritual Enlightenment Seekers Would Benefit From Candace Owens’ Advice Here!
Alex “Off the Deep End” (6/6/23): Inter-Dimensional Beings, Demons, Light Frequencies Your 3rd Dimensional Avatar/Biological Body isn’t Designed to See, Plant Medicine, and More. — #RealTalk for the Final Battle for 5D!
Christian Fanatic Healed by Tibetan Monk.. Healing Reverses a Week Later When She Learns the Monk isn’t Christian. She Was Healed by No Religion in the First Place —JUST the Mind. The Judgemental go to Hell for No Reason Except the Mind Creates it!
FLASHBACK: President Trump's 2011 Appearance on The View [When They Kissed His Ass EVEN After Revealing He Wants to Be President] (3/23/2011) | Trump Enters at 16:40