( -0836 ) [fix on the way - skip forward from 34:47-34:57] Unheard Victims, Unheard Conspiracies of Controlled Politicians - Does the World of Crypto Tie Into a Smart City 2030 Build Back Better Agenda
Former Paypal CEO Announces He is Switching Parties, Will Back DJT in Nov/Pedophile Who Raped Young Girl Doused In Gasoline and Burned To Death By Mother/Illegal Aliens Living in Georgia Apartment Complex Say They Are Registered to Vote in Elections/Harri
Candace Owens: Modern-Day Israel, Founded By Rothschild, Is a ‘Haven For Pedophiles’/Cattle Ranchers and Dairy Farmers Push Back, Reject WHO’s ‘Bird Flu’ Testing Demands/Russia opens up residency to foreigners ‘who share values’ /Iconic Doub
Warren Buffett Has Dumped $7 Billion Of Bank Of America Stock/More private clinics refusing abortions – Russian Orthodox Church /Trump pledges to scale back use of sanctions /American Citizen Fatally Shot by IDF Soldier During Pro-Palestine Protest in W