2 years ago🚁 🇷🇺 RUSSIAN AIR POWER - ATTACK HELICOPTERSdeNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
1 year agoIncredible Nutritional Programs! Fat loss, inflammation, blood sugar, liver, Not a “Diet”!drtimharrigan
5 months agoReleasing our own testosterone example, and how the mechanisms work with Testosurge/Epic-T!drtimharrigan
6 months agoSleeping better, refreshed in the mornings, better energy, waking up less at night!drtimharrigan
1 year agoTraditional Thyroid testing is flawed! Hashimoto’s Advanced Testing, Connective Tissue, Autoimmunedrtimharrigan
6 months agoBrain health, Estrogen less important than T, Epidemic, Environmental Hormone Damage, Active Tdrtimharrigan
1 year agoTopical Pain Cream! Hemp Balm, our favorite clean topical… Essential oils, cooling sensation!drtimharrigan
4 months agoBREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Leader ARRESTED for Urging Voters to Vote in Person | Elijah SchafferThe Gateway PunditVerified
1 year agoDr. Tim’s wife, Nicole! Infertility issues no more… Endometriosis, PCOS, Chiropractic, Purificationdrtimharrigan
6 months agoJorge encourages everyone to experience Epic-T. Severe skin issues massive improvements...drtimharrigan
1 year agoIt’s impossible in this day and age to get optimal amounts of vitamins/minerals/enzymes/nutrition!drtimharrigan
1 year agoHealth Food Stores? Are your Supplements/Vitamins/Minerals Toxic, or Nourishing?!drtimharrigan
1 year agoFenuseeds! Revolutionary New Food Product: Protein, Fiber, Grain Free, Gut Health, Clinical Studies!drtimharrigan