Robert Kiyosaki | Acta Non Verba (Acts, Not Words) | "Watch What A Person Does, Not What They Say." - Robert Kiyosaki + Why Is Money Is A Magnifier Whether You Are An Accountant, A Dog Trainer Or A Home Builder + Clay Clark Client Case Studies
Mark of the Beast | "We Got to Do Alot of Epic SH$% When I Was At DARPA. What We Plan to Do Is to Advance A Tattoo That Could Be Used for Authentication. Vitamin Authentication...Has a Small Chip Inside of It." - Google's Regina Dugan
Victor Davis Hansen On Tucker Carlson | "Every Time People Say THEY WOULDN'T DARE DO THIS, Every Time People Say That, They Do. I Don't Know If There Is Strategy to Keep Donald Trump Out of a Gag Order, Or Out of Jail."