Overcoming Immigration & Fentanyl Challenges in Arizona - Senator Wendy Rogers; Inside Look of the RNC - Breanna Morello; On the Road to Election Security - Matt Meck | FOC Show
The Great Reset | "UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus, That Is Supposed to Target Human Cells In a Way That Can Put a Switch Inside of That Thing to Harm the Human Heart & Lung." - Dr. Martin
Variant biosensors and riemann resurfacing w raman spectroscopy (WBAN) (PAN) (6G Low-Pan) - KAREN KINGSTON AND MIKE ADAMS/MALFOY AREN'T GOING TO TELL YOU SO WE HAVE TO!
POWERFUL INTERVIEW (April 12th 2005) Franklin Cover-up EYE WITNESS Rusty Nelson TELLS ALL about what he witnessed inside the Franklin coverup Pedo-Ring scandal