WEF Insider Says Iron Dome Was 'Switched Off' in Inside Job To Spark World War 3

5 months ago

Iran’s attacks on Israel are part of an elaborate “inside job” by the global elite who are working to ensure the conflict will ignite a “holy war” that will rapidly spiral out of control into World War Three, paving the way for the elite to install a “one world government.”

According to an insider, recent events in the Middle East, including the Israel-Hamas war and now the conflict with Iran have been planned by the global elite and are now playing out to the letter – with the ultimate goal of shaping the world in their own image.

But there is just one problem for the globalists and their plans to spark World War 3 and enslave the human race. Their plans rely on the people of the world remaining ignorant – and we are not going to let that happen.

Tags: Iran, Iron Dome, Israel, World War 3, WW3, Hamas, holy war, Middle East, Netanyahu, inside job, global elite, one world government, elite, insider, globalists

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