1. A President Tells Us Why We Must Continue

    A President Tells Us Why We Must Continue

  2. The Budget and the FAIRtax - How Democracy Is Supposed to Work

    The Budget and the FAIRtax - How Democracy Is Supposed to Work

  3. The FAIRtax vs. the national debt

    The FAIRtax vs. the national debt

  4. A FAIRtax Labor Day message

    A FAIRtax Labor Day message

  5. Martin Etwop TX Signs The FAIRtax 2022 Pledge

    Martin Etwop TX Signs The FAIRtax 2022 Pledge

  6. Jonathan Mitchell TX Signs The FAIRtax 2022 Pledge

    Jonathan Mitchell TX Signs The FAIRtax 2022 Pledge

  7. Tax Reform Big Enough for Texas

    Tax Reform Big Enough for Texas

  8. The Power of Choice

    The Power of Choice

  9. Into the Weeds - How the FAIRtax Rate is Calculated

    Into the Weeds - How the FAIRtax Rate is Calculated

  10. Religion, Churches and the FAIRtax

    Religion, Churches and the FAIRtax

  11. What's the Best Way to Increase the Minimum Wage? Pass the FAIRtax

    What's the Best Way to Increase the Minimum Wage? Pass the FAIRtax

  12. The Income Tax Adds More Risk to Investments - Ridiculous

    The Income Tax Adds More Risk to Investments - Ridiculous

  13. Punishing Kids Who Work - Another Problem the FAIRtax Fixes

    Punishing Kids Who Work - Another Problem the FAIRtax Fixes

  14. The 1918 Flu, the COVID crisis and the FAIRtax

    The 1918 Flu, the COVID crisis and the FAIRtax

  15. Want Less Tax Evasion? Pass the FAIRtax

    Want Less Tax Evasion? Pass the FAIRtax

  16. Lunch&Taxes What Will You Do for HER

    Lunch&Taxes What Will You Do for HER

  17. #259 Putting the Squeeze on HR 25

    #259 Putting the Squeeze on HR 25

  18. #343 Is There a Medic in the House?

    #343 Is There a Medic in the House?
