Vampires and Werewolves + They Have to Tell Us What They Intend to Do, or Do They? Satan Has to Ask for Permission in the Throne Room + Predictive Programming, 9/11, Cannibalism, Normalization Through TV/Movies etc.
Creatures in the Euphrates, Demonic General Azazel + Anointing, Plead the Blood of Jesus, Confess Sins, Ask for Forgiveness and to Be Cleansed of All Unrighteousness
Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far, Pink Looks Drugged, Cher Appears as a Mother Goddess, Pink's Teacher Maybe + Pedo Symbolism on the Island + Titanic, SS, Smocking, Nazis are Behind It All
Halloween and the History, Some Organized Halloween Events + Satan Himself Attends Certain Rituals + Magazine Covers, Communications About Rituals, Locations, Quadrants, Who Has to Attend etc.